The Louisville District End of Year Award Ceremony

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News Releases

  • USACE Louisville District supports recovery efforts in eastern Kentucky following severe flooding

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District is working in partnership with local, state and federal agencies in response to severe flooding, which impacted eastern Kentucky, July 26-30, 2022. USACE works under the direction of FEMA to support state and local governments in responding to major disasters serving as the lead agency to respond with public works and engineering support.
  • USACE Buffalo District Constructs Emerald Shiner Passage Structure

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has completed construction of a novel fish passage structure along the Niagara River at Broderick Park in Buffalo, New York, and early monitoring results indicate preliminary project success in helping emerald shiner move upstream. The project, known as the Emerald Shiner Demonstration project, was built between November 2021 and February 2022 to overcome an obstacle to the passage of emerald shiner, a very small but critically important preyfish.
  • Buckhorn, Carr Creek dams continue operating as designed, providing flood damage reduction

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District continues to monitor the dams at Buckhorn Lake, Buckhorn, Kentucky, and Carr Creek Lake, Sassafras, Kentucky, following severe flooding which occurred in eastern Kentucky. The Buckhorn and Carr Creek Dams on the Middle Fork and the North Fork, respectively, of the Kentucky River are currently storing water and providing a reduction to the flooding occurring downstream. The dams are structurally sound and operating as intended.
  • NR 22-18: Public invited to celebrate in Dale Hollow State Park ‘Clean Marina’ Dedication

    BURKESVILLE, Ky. (July 27, 2022) — The public is cordially invited to attend the dedication ceremony for Dale Hollow State Park Marina in Burkesville, Kentucky, as a Clean Marina in the Cumberland River Basin. The ceremony is 10 a.m. Aug. 6, 2022, on the dock at the marina.
  • 10,000 truckloads safely moved from the Luckey FUSRAP site

    The 10,000th truck left the Luckey Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program Site, yesterday, loaded with material contaminated with beryllium, radium 226, thorium 230, uranium 234, uranium 238, and lead, making the site cleanup very near 60% complete.
  • Barren River Lock and Dam No. 1 Removal Commences to Eliminate Safety Hazard

    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, with The Nature Conservancy as a supporting partner, will begin removing Barren River Lock and Dam 1 on the Barren River in Warren County, Kentucky this week.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Awards Contract for Dunkirk Harbor Dredging

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Buffalo District has awarded a $618,332 contract to Michigan-based, Dean Marine & Excavating, Inc., July 6, 2022, to conduct dredging of the federal navigation channel in Dunkirk Harbor.
  • Corps of Engineers & City of Painesville Partner to stabilize Grand Riverbank and Protect Local Public Infrastructure

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Buffalo District, has partnered with the City of Painesville, Ohio to stabilize a portion of the west bank of the Grand River and protect the public infrastructure in the city.
  • Corps of Engineers awards $1.068 billion of the New Lock at the Soo Phase 3 contract

    SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District anticipates Phase 3 construction will start this summer with the $1.068 billion of the New Lock at the Soo Phase 3 contract award July 1, 2022. Kokosing Alberici Traylor, LLC (KAT), a joint venture headquartered in Westerville, Ohio will begin constructing the largest phase, the new lock chamber and rehabilitation of the downstream approach walls. This contract allows the contractor to begin work. With continued funding, the remaining work, valued at $803.95 million may be awarded over the next three years. Corps of Engineers officials expect Phase 3 construction to take seven years. "The Corps of Engineers looks forward to beginning construction on the new lock chamber later this summer, and we continue to work hard to maintain the pace and continue to make progress toward New Lock at the Soo total project completion in summer 2030,” said New Lock at the Soo Project Manager Mollie Mahoney.
  • Green River Dam No. 5 removal work temporarily halted while crews perform additional surveys

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District has temporarily halted work on the removal of the Green River Lock and Dam No. 5 on the Green River in Kentucky, while additional surveys are performed. Due to concerns from the Edmonson County Water District, USACE stopped further removal of the dam until the impacts can be evaluated and addressed. USACE is coordinating with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, The Nature Conservancy, and the Edmonson County Water District to perform additional surveys and develop recommendations on any necessary steps to address changes to Edmonson County Water District operations and facilitate the eventual full removal of Lock and Dam #5.
Chick Lock

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