LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- The President’s proposed budget for the Army’s Civil Works program for fiscal year 2025 was released today, March 11, 2024, and provides $280 million in federal funding to advance the Rough River Dam Safety Modification Project in Falls of Rough, Kentucky.
The funds will be used to initiate Phase 2 of the project which includes the construction of a new outlet works and a full-depth cutoff wall across the dam.
“We are thrilled that this critical project—the Rough River Dam Safety Modification Project—was included in the Fiscal Year 25 Civil Works Budget,” said USACE Louisville District Commander Col. L. Reyn Mann. “Once received, these funds will allow us to take important next steps toward Phase II construction, which will help to lower the dam’s risk and will ensure that the dam can continue to provide flood risk reduction benefits and serve the local community for years to come.”
The Louisville District has already begun the process of updating the Plans and Specifications in anticipation of receiving funds in FY25 to award the construction contract. The timing of the contract advertisement and award is dependent on final passage of the FY25 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act and receipt of funds. All funds remain proposed until the enactment of the FY 2025 Energy & Water Development Appropriations Act or similar appropriations legislation.
USACE will hold a public meeting once a timeline for advertisement, award and construction is better defined and there is more information to share. Phase II construction is anticipated to take approximately six years after contract award. An update to Rough River Lake’s Water Control Manual to incorporate the current pool restriction is nearing completion and the pool restriction will stay in place until construction is complete, and the risk has been re-evaluated.
The Dam Safety Modification project is a result of a report from July 2012, which highlighted unacceptable risk due to the dam’s foundation being constructed on karst geology. The report recommended major rehabilitation to ensure the structure’s integrity and to lower the project’s risk. Phase I, which relocated the crest road and completed Exploratory Drilling and Grouting across the centerline of the dam, was finished in May 2017. Phase 1 was successful, however, the Phase 2 project, which will provide greater risk reduction, was awaiting funding.
The FY 2025 Civil Works budget press book is available at: https://www.usace.army.mil/Missions/Civil-Works/Budget/#Budget-Information, under the heading Budget Information: Press Books.
Release no. 24-030