U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Great Lakes and Ohio River Division Commander Brig. Gen. Mark C. Quander visited the Louisville VA Medical Center construction site in Louisville, Kentucky

Our Leadership

Lieutenant Colonel Brian Gulley

Deputy Commander

Huntington District
Published Aug. 25, 2022

LTC Brian Gulley assumed duties as the Deputy District Commander of Huntington District, US Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington, West Virginia on August 15, 2022. As the Deputy District Commander, he supports the District Commander and his staff in carrying out the District’s mission within the Ohio River Basin, which includes more than 300 navigable miles of the Ohio River in West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio, plus nine major tributaries. This area encompasses 45,000 square miles in five states – West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Virginia, and North Carolina. The District staff of more than 1000 employees supports the District’s mission to operate and maintain 35 multi-purpose reservoirs and 9 locks and dams, providing flood damage reduction, commercial navigation, recreation, and water supply while protecting the environment. The District is involved in significant planning, design, and construction efforts that address replacement of outdated navigation structures on the Ohio and Kanawha Rivers, dam safety measures at operating projects in central Ohio and southern West Virginia, other significant water resource challenges, as well as emergency management. The District also performs the Corps’ regulatory mission in West Virginia and Ohio. 

LTC Gulley is from Athens, Georgia where he served in the Georgia Army National Guard and graduated from the University of Georgia while earning a commission through ROTC into the Corps of Engineers in 2006.

His previous assignments include Battalion Operations Officer and Executive Officer of the 588th Brigade Engineer Battalion, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, CO; Engineer Staff Officer and Planning Officer for Policy at the Multinational Corps Northeast – NATO, Szczecin, Poland; Project Engineer for MILCON and O&M for the Fort Carson Resident Engineer Office, Omaha District (CENWO); Engineer Staff Officer for the Division Engineer 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, GA and Afghanistan; Company Commander for 554th Vertical Engineer Company, 92nd Engineer Battalion at Fort Stewart, GA; Assistant Battalion Operations Officer Brigade Special Troops Battalion, 4 IBCT, 1 ID and Platoon leader and Company Executive Officer, A Co BSTB, 4-1 ID in Iraq and Fort Riley, KS.

LTC Gulley’s decorations include the Bronze Star Medal (with one Oak Leaf Cluster), the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal (with one Oak Leaf Cluster), the Army Commendation Medal (with three Oak Leaf Clusters), the Army Achievement Medal (with two Oak Leaf Clusters), NATO Medal, and the Air Assault Badge.  

LTC Gulley has deployed twice to Iraq and once to Afghanistan.

LTC Gulley earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from the University of Georgia and a Master of Science degree in Geological Engineering from the Missouri University of Science and Technology.


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