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Tag: New York
  • Ashland 1 Site

    The Ashland 1 (Including Seaway Area D), Ashland 2 and Rattlesnake Creek sites have been successfully remediated under the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). The sites are located in Tonawanda, New York, a suburb of Buffalo. Radiologically contaminated soils were excavated and shipped offsite. The implemented remedy achieved the degree of cleanup and protection specified in the Record of Decision (ROD) for the Ashland 1 (Including Seaway Area D) and Ashland 2 Sites and the Explanation of Significant Differences (ESD) for the Rattlesnake Creek Portion of the Ashland Sites for all pathways of exposure. No further response is needed to protect human health and the environment from the project contaminants of concern. All areas of concern have been addressed.
  • Black Rock Lock

    The Black Rock Channel extends from Buffalo Harbor to the Black Rock Lock.  It is three and one-half miles in length.  The Federal navigation channel has a minimum width of 200 feet. Pleasure craft are required to yield the right-of-way to commercial vessels due to the confined waters of the channel.
  • Seaway Site

    The Seaway Site, located in Tonawanda, New York, was operated as a landfill from 1930 to 1993, accepting a variety of municipal, commercial, construction, and industrial wastes. Nearby, in the 1940s, the former Linde Air Products Division of Union Carbide processed uranium ores under contract to the Manhattan Engineer District (MED). The mill tailings from the FUSRAP-related activities were transported from the Linde Site to the former Haist Property, now known as the Ashland 1 Site. During the mid-1970's, Ashland Oil constructed oil tanks on the Ashland 1 property. During the construction, materials containing radioactive residues were removed from the area and transported by Ashland Oil to the Seaway landfill and what was the Ashland 2 Site and used as cover or grading material. This material was also placed in what is now known as Seaway Areas A, B and C.
Chick Lock

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