Section 107: Navigation

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Published Jan. 18, 2024
Updated: Nov. 12, 2024

Small Navigation Project Study (Section 107)

Section 107 of the River and Harbor Act of 1960 provides authority for the Corps of Engineers to improve navigation including dredging of channels, anchorage areas, and turning basins and construction of breakwaters, jetties and groins, through a partnership with non-Federal government sponsor such as cities, counties, special chartered authorities (such as port authorities), or units of state government.  The maximum Federal cost for project development and construction of any one project is $10 million and each project must be economically justified, environmentally sound, and technically feasible.

The Corps of Engineers does not participate in the cost of dredging berthing areas, slip space, access to individual private docks, or the construction of piers, ramps and other shore facilities.  The Sponsoring community must agree to construct and maintain at local cost a public landing sufficient to serve the type and number of commercial boats for which the Federal project is designed. 

Project Process and Local Costs.  Projects are undertaken on a cost-shared basis. The first step in the process is completion of an initial appraisal that determines if there is Federal interest in participating in feasibility study to identify a solution to the problems and needs of the sponsor and waterway in question.  That initial appraisal is primarily an economic evaluation that results in a preliminary estimate of potential project costs and benefits and provides a decision-making tool for the Corps and Town to determine if they want to share in the cost of a feasibility study.   If a Federal interest is identified, then the Corps of Engineers and the Sponsor would enter into an agreement to share the cost of a feasibility study.  The feasibility study must be cost-shared 50/50 between the Town and the Corps of Engineers, except for the first $100,000 in study costs which is funded 100 percent Federal.  The feasibility study would examine alternatives for the problems and needs and determine the best solution consistent with Federal policy.  Section 107 Continuing Authority studies for small navigation projects are generally completed within 3 years of initiation.  The solution must pass three criteria: economic feasibility, environmental impacts, and it must have a local partnership. The steps in the process are:

  1. Feasibility Study. The Corps of Engineers will conduct a Feasibility Study, which is 100 percent federally funded up to $100,000. Costs over the $100,000 are cost shared with the non-federal sponsor on a 50/50 basis (up to one-half of the non-federal share can be in the form of in-kind services). An initial assessment early in the Feasibility Study will determine if Section 107 authority appears applicable and provides a basis for determining scope and cost of an entire Feasibility Study.

  2. Preparation of Plans and Specifications. Detailed design and preparation of plans and specifications are treated as part of total project costs for purposes of cost sharing and the non-federal cost share for these activities is collected with the construction cost share.

  3. Non-Federal Share of Construction. The non-federal share for navigation projects with a design depth of 20 feet or less 10 percent up-front during construction cost and 10 percent after construction over a period of up to 30-years.  For design depths of 20 to 50 feet the up-front share increases to 25 percent, and over 50 feet to 50 percent.

  4. Future Project Maintenance. The Corps of Engineers will be responsible for future project maintenance upon completion for project depths of 50 feet or less. 


Study Cost

A feasibility study is conducted which is 100 percent federally funded up to $100,000.

Costs over the $100,000 are cost shared with the nonfederal partner on a 50/50 basis.


Project Cost

Non-Federal cost is 10 percent up-front during construction and 10 percent over a 30-year period for harbors with a design depth of 20 feet or less.  For design depths of 20 to 45 feet the up-front share increases to 25 percent, and over 45 feet to 50 percent.


How to Request Assistance. Requests for assistance should be in the form of a letter (see sample provided below) describing the location and nature of the problem and requesting assistance under the program. The request should be submitted by a state or local government agency to your local district planning chief



To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is to seek the assistance of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under (Reference the authority under which assistance is requested and identify the type and location of the problem.)

(Briefly describe your perception of the nature and severity of the problem.)

(Briefly describe the known issues which would affect the acceptability of any recommended solutions, from the perspective of municipal and local governments, and/or the public.)

We are aware as local sponsor that we will assume costs for lands, easements, right-of-way, relocations and disposal areas (LERRD) and/or assume costs to demonstrate ownership of such.  We also will assume responsibility for any operation and maintenance of the project. Your consideration of this request will be appreciated.  Please contact (name, address, telephone, etc.) for further coordination.  

The [NAME OF AGENCY OR COMMUNITY] has designated [NAME OF LOCAL CONTACT AT AGENCY AND PHONE NUMBER] as the point of contact for this project.
