Chick Lock

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  • Barkley Navigation Lock

    Barkley Navigation LockBarkley Lock is located 30.6 river miles from where the Cumberland River joins the Ohio River at Smithland, Kentucky.  The nearest community to the lock is Grand Rivers, Kentucky. Barkley Lock was opened to navigation traffic in July of 1964.  The lock chamber is 800-foot long and 110-foot wide.  During normal lake levels,
  • Black Rock Lock

    The Black Rock Channel extends from Buffalo Harbor to the Black Rock Lock.  It is three and one-half miles in length.  The Federal navigation channel has a minimum width of 200 feet. Pleasure craft are required to yield the right-of-way to commercial vessels due to the confined waters of the channel.
  • Cheatham Dam

    Cheatham Dam is located in Cheatham County, Tenn., on the Cumberland River at mile 148.7 about nine miles downstream of Ashland City.  It is about 42 miles downstream from Nashville.Cheatham Dam was authorized by the Rivers and Harbors Act and approved July 24, 1946  by Public Law 525.  Inclusion of hydroelectric capability was authorized by Public
  • Cheatham Navigation Lock

    Cheatham Navigation LockCheatham Lock is located at Mile 148.6 on the Cumberland River in Cheatham County, Tennessee and is approximately 10 miles northwest of Ashland City, Tenn.  Cheatham Lock is open to pass navigation traffic 24 hours-a-day, 365 days a year. The 67-mile reservoir created by Cheatham Dam provides Nashville and middle Tennessee
  • Chicago Area Waterway

    Stages, flows, and basin precipitation for Lake Michigan, Chicago River, Des Plaines River, Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, Little Calumet River, Thorn Creek, Hart Ditch, Fox River, Du Page River, and Kankakee River.
  • Chicago District Locks

    The Chicago District operates three locks within our district footprint, the Chicago Lock, The Lockport Lock, and the T.J. O'Brien Lock.
  • Chicago Harbor Lock

    The Chicago Harbor Lock is located in the city of Chicago – adjacent to Navy Pier – and separates the waters of the Lake Michigan basin from the Chicago River.
  • Chickamauga Navigation Lock

    Chickamauga Lock is  located at Tennessee River mile 471 only 6.9 miles above Chattanooga, Tennessee.It is 58.9 river miles downstream of Watts Bar Lock and 46.3 miles upriver from Nickajack Lock.Lock History TVA commenced preliminary investigation for the Chickamauga project during May 1935, and the Board of Directors authorized its construction
  • Fort Loudoun Navigation Lock

    Fort Loudoun Lock is located near Lenoir City, Tennessee, some 55 miles downstream from Knoxville.It is at Tennessee River mile 602.3, some 73.4 miles upstream of Watts Bar Lock.Fort Loudoun is the uppermost dam on the Tennessee River.Lock History Fort Loudoun was the last dam built on the Tennessee River.  Construction of the dam began  July 8,
  • Guntersville Navigation Lock

    Guntersville Lock is located at Tennessee River mile 349, nine miles downstream from the city of Guntersville, Alabama.It is 75.3 miles downstream from Nickajack Lock and 74.1 miles above the Wheeler Locks.Lock History Construction of the auxiliary lock began in December 1935 and was put into operation in 1937  by TVA.  Work on the main lock began
  • Kentucky Lock

    Kentucky Lock is located near Gilbertsville, Kentucky, 22.4 miles from the confluence of the Tennessee and Ohio Rivers.  It is 20 miles east of Paducah, Kentucky. The 184-mile reservoir created by Kentucky Dam stretches across parts of Tennessee and Kentucky. It is the largest reservoir in the Eastern U.S. Construction on Kentucky Lock began in
  • Lockport Lock

    Opened in 1933, Lockport Lock & Dam is 35 miles downstream of T.J O’Brien Lock & Dam. The facility is a unit of the Inland Waterway Navigation System and is one of eight such facilities between Chicago and Versailles, Illinois. The lock is 110 feet wide by 600 feet long. Maximum vertical lift is 42.0 feet; the average lift is 39 feet.
  • Melton Hill Navigation Lock

      Melton Hill Lock is  nine miles southwest of Oak Ridge, Tenn., and 19 miles west of Knoxville.Located 23.1 miles from the confluence of the Clinch with the Tennessee River, it is the only Corps lock on the Clinch River Lock History The Tennessee State Geological Department initially studied the Tennessee River and its tributaries in 1918.  The
  • Nickajack Navigation Lock

    Nickajack Lock is located 35 miles west of Chattanooga, Tennessee near the city of Jasper.The lock is at river mile 424.7.  It is 46.3 miles below Chickamauga Lock and 75.3 miles above Guntersville Lock.Lock History Construction began on the 600 foot-long Nickajack Auxiliary Lock  in March of 1964.  TVA completed it for operation in December 1967. 
  • Pickwick Lock

    Pickwick Navigation LockPickwick Lock is approximately 12 miles south of Savannah, Tennessee.  It is just north of the Mississippi state line.Located at Tennessee  River mile 206.7, it is 52.7 miles below Wilson Lock and 184.7 miles above Kentucky Lock.Navigation in the Muscle Shoals The area called Muscle Shoals extended from Elk River to
  • T.J. O'Brien Lock

    The T.J. O’Brien Lock and Controlling Works is located at the entrance to Lake Michigan (River Mile 326.0), Calumet River, in Chicago, Illinois. The facility is a unit of the Inland Waterway Navigation System and is one of nine such facilities between Chicago and Versailles, Illinois.
  • Watts Bar Navigation Lock

    Watts Bar Lock is near Decatur, Tennessee.  It is approximately halfway between Chattanooga and Knoxville.The lock is located at Tennessee River mile 529.9.  It is 72.4 miles downstream from Fort Loudoun Lock and 58.9 miles above Chickamauga Lock. History of Navigation in the Area  Building navigational facilities at Watts Bar was one of the
  • Wheeler Navigation Lock

    Wheeler Navigation LockThe Wheeler Locks are located about 30 miles from Decatur, Alabama. The locks are at river mile 274.9.  They are 15 miles above the Wilson Locks and 74.1 miles below Guntersville Lock. The area called Muscle Shoals extended from Elk River to Florence, Alabama and featured a series of rapids, islands, reefs, and bars.  It
  • Wilson Navigation Lock

    Wilson Lock is located in the northwest corner of Alabama.Located at Tennessee River mile 259.4, the lock is 15 miles below the Wheeler Locks and 52.7 miles above Pickwick Lock.It is the highest single lift lock east of the Rocky Mountains with a normal lift of between 93 and 100 feet! Lock History The original project was completed by the Corps 
Chick Lock

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