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Tag: Paint Creek Lake
  • Paint Creek Lake

    The lake provides flood control (authorized by the Flood Control Act of 1938) for the communities along Paint Creek. In addition, it provides water supply for Highland Water Company, increases water flow downstream during low flow conditions, and provides recreational opportunities and wildlife habitat. The 6510-square-mile Scioto River basin is
  • Paint Creek Lake & Deer Creek Lake Regional Master Plan

    The current Master Plan at Paint Creek Lake was published in June 1985, and in June 1984 for Deer Creek Lake. The master plans do not comply with USACE guidance regarding master plans are in need of revision. Changes have occurred over time and need to be captured to reflect the current and future management of the projects. The current master plans and land classifications are in need of revision to address changes in regional land use, population, outdoor recreation trends, and USACE management policy.
Chick Lock

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