Huntington District, West Virginia -- Authority
River and Harbor Act of 3 March 1909, Sixtieth Congress, 2nd Session.
Estimated construction $76,520,800.
Non-navigable, high-lift, gated dam, top length 1,128' including 111-foot fixed weir with 84-foot open crest. Eight tainter gates, clear span 110' between piers, damming height 26' above sills, clearance above maximum high water when fully raised approximately 5'.
Of an estimated 1,750 acres in the project, approximately 92.8 acres fee required for the lock site, 32.1 acres fee at the abutment site, 13.3 acres fee for recreation site, .06 acre fee at radio site and flowage easements or other lesser interests over the remaining area.
Two parallel locks, main lock 110' by 1200', auxiliary lock 110' by 600', miter service gates, vertical-lift emergency gates.
Net Land Owned
92.8 acres fee at lock site. 32.1 acres fee at abutment site. 13.3 acres fee at recreation sites. 0.06 acres fee at radio relay site. 1612.1 acres flowage easements which includes 63.12 acres flowage rights by special use permit from D.O.A., U.S. Forest Service.
Normal upper pool elevation 602.0' m.s.l., upper pool length 35.3 miles to Hannibal Dam, normal upper pool surface area 6,400 acres, normal lower pool elevation 582.0' m.s.l., (upper pool of Belleville Dam) normal lift 20.0'.
No extensive relocations necessary, but remedial measures required to adapt certain facilities to new pool conditions. Facilities include railroad and highway drainage structures and embankment slopes, municipal sewer outfalls and water intakes, pipe lines, power and communication lines, and water terminals.
Construction began in January 1967 and the total project is 100 percent complete. The locks construction contract was awarded in October 1968 and placed in operation in January 1972. Dam construction was initiated in December 1971 and completed in 1976. The pool was raised to full height in September 1975.
Three recreation areas are existing or proposed for development
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How To Find Us
Ohio River, 161.7 miles downstream from Pittsburgh, PA, and 3.4 miles upstream from Waverly, WV, replaced Locks and Dams Nos. 15, 16 and 17..