Chick Lock

Find a Project


Green Bay Harbor

Chicago District
Published Jan. 9, 2024
Chicago Historic Photo Placeholder

Chicago Historic Photo

Project Description and Background

Serves as a deep draft commercial harbor. Project depth is 26 feet for about 11.5 miles upstream from the entrance channel, 24 feet from Grassy Island to 0.5 miles upstream from the mouth of the Fox River, and 22 feet 0.5 miles upstream of the river mouth to 3.3 miles upstream of the river mouth.

Over 14 miles of maintained channel. Dredged material is currently placed in either the Bay Port disposal facility under an agreement with the Brown County Port Department or in the Cat Island Dredged Material Disposal Facility.

This harbor is a major receiving port on the Great Lakes. Waterborne transportation facilitated by the harbor supports $69.8M in business revenue, 297 direct, indirect, and induced jobs, and $19.7M in labor income to the transportation sector. Commodities handled by the harbor support $1.1B in business revenue, 5,771 direct, indirect, and induced jobs, and $305.3M in labor income.

Current Status

Current work involves operation and maintenance of existing structures, including maintenance dredging. Plans and specifications for dredging are under development.  A contract is scheduled for award in August 2023.

Project Authorization

Rivers and Harbors Acts of 1866, 1892, 1910, 1917, 1925, 1935, 1937, 1945, and 1962

Chick Lock

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