Contractors working for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District install a 23-foot-tall concrete shaft enclosure weighing approximately 120,000 pounds as part of the guard wall at the Monongahela River Locks and Dam 4 in Charleroi, Pennsylvania, Nov. 16, 2023.

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Tag: louisville district
  • August

    Louisville District celebrates Leadership Development Program graduations

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District celebrated the graduation of the participants of Leadership Development Program Level 1 July 12, and Level 2 on Aug. 4, at the Romano Mazzoli Federal Building in Louisville, Kentucky. Both Leadership Development Program Levels consist of 11-months of professional development to advance the students’ leadership skills through formal training, mentoring, and experiential learning. 
  • Louisville District security office offers Antiterrorism Awareness Month messages

    August is Antiterrorism Awareness Month and is an excellent opportunity for soldiers, civilians and
  • July

    Louisville delivers multi-use helicopter training facility at Fort Campbell

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Fort Campbell celebrated the completion of a one-of-a-kind helicopter training facility during a ribbon cutting ceremony, July 22, 2022, at Fort Campbell, Kentucky.
  • Louisville District Emergency Management conducts flood fight training

    Residents who reside along the 981 miles of the Ohio River and its tributaries are no strangers to severe weather. The risk for flood in these areas increase when a location experiences heavy rain, the area has poor drainage or the soil composition is dense. Flood fight training is one way the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville district prepares for these severe weather events.
  • June

    New deputy commander receives a fast-paced welcome

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District welcomed Maj. Guillermo Guandique as the new deputy commander June 16. The timing of his arrival coincided with numerous construction milestones and provided a quick start in his position. During his first few weeks as deputy commander, he participated in the groundbreaking of the vehicle maintenance facility at Fort Campbell and ribbon cutting ceremonies for the Submarine Battery Evaluation Center at NSWC Crane, VA Columbarium in Indianapolis and Multi-Use Helicopter Trainer at Fort Campbell. Although this is Guandique’s first assignment with USACE, he previously visited Louisville District in April during the sexual assault awareness events.
  • May

    Three Forks of Beargrass Creek Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Study reaches major milestone with signing of Chiefs Report

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District recently completed an Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility study and recommended plan to restore both instream and riparian habitat within the Beargrass Creek watershed in Louisville, Kentucky. Beargrass Creek has a 60 square mile watershed and is composed of three main branches (the South, Middle and Muddy forks), which reach throughout the city of Louisville. Historically, Beargrass Creek has suffered degraded habitat due to development and manipulation. 
  • April

    Louisville District celebrates National Volunteer Month

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District celebrates National Volunteer Month every April by recognizing the tremendous effort of the volunteers who give their time at the recreational sites in the district’s footprint. Volunteers are an essential part of delivering the district’s recreational activities.
  • Louisville District delivers Newark Army reserve center ahead of schedule

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District recently completed a new 43,000 square-foot Army Reserve Center in Newark, Delaware, ahead of schedule.
  • March

    Louisville VA Medical Center site sees more activity as work progresses

    Construction on the new Louisville VA Medical Center being built in Louisville, Kentucky, has only been ongoing for five months, but the site already looks quite different from how it appeared during last year’s Veterans’ Day groundbreaking ceremony. Members of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District’s VA Division and the contracting teams have been hard at work during the initial stages of this mega-project, said Melody Thompson, Louisville VA Medical Center project manager.
  • Regulators ensure safe navigation and protection of aquatic resources during Beckjord Power Plant cleanup

    In February 2021, a smokestack, associated with the demolition of the former Beckjord Generating Station, toppled into the Ohio River at mile marker 453 in New Richmond, Ohio. The waste debris in the river caused concerns from the local communities, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District, under their regulatory authorities for Waters of the U.S., quickly responded ordering the contractors to clean it up and complete compliance actions required by USACE.
Chick Lock

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