Contractors working for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District install a 23-foot-tall concrete shaft enclosure weighing approximately 120,000 pounds as part of the guard wall at the Monongahela River Locks and Dam 4 in Charleroi, Pennsylvania, Nov. 16, 2023.

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Tag: engineer
  • February

    Louisville District highlights engineering teammates during National Engineers Week 2022

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has been engineering solutions for our nation’s toughest challenges for 246 years. Engineers create new possibilities all the time and the engineers at USACE are no different. During National Engineers Week, Feb. 21 to 25, engineers are recognized for their notable contributions to society.  To celebrate, the Louisville District is highlighting team members from different engineering disciplines. Each engineer focuses on a different facet of engineering. While some engineers focus on things like remediation and construction, others spend their time negotiating contracts and designs. Other civil engineers deal with the financial side of engineering and more.  As the nation’s engineering and public works agency, USACE deliver’s quality projects and programs, on time and within budget, safely for the American people, and these engineers help make USACE a strong organization. 
  • If you do what you love

    “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” Whether it was Marc Anthony or inspired by Confucius, the quote has existed for centuries but is still true today. This Valentine’s Day, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District highlights some of our employees who do what they love while accomplishing critical roles that deliver the district’s mission to the nation. We asked them about their childhood hobbies and interests and how those passions grew into careers.
  • January

    Corps upgrades Paden City’s wastewater treatment systems

    Ever had a problem with the septic tank in your yard? The cost to replace it, and consequences if you do not, can really stink – even more so when the problem is on a community-wide level. That is why the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District is partnering with Paden City to upgrade the sanitary sewer collection and treatment facilities in Tyler and Wetzel counties as part of a $2 million environmental infrastructure project.
  • October

    Lockmaster’s view – The McAlpine Locks and Dam

    Within the entire length of the Ohio River, there was only one place where rock reef extended across the river for a stretch of three miles – The Falls of the Ohio. This area of water was a low water slope, dropping around thirty feet over the three miles and made it practically impassable by cargo and transportation vessels in the early 1800s except when the water level was high; even then, it was treacherous. This article consists of a safety summary and a personal interview from the McAlpine Locks and Dam Lockmaster, Jay Rickman.
  • July

    Engineers looking for the best, brightest that ROTC has to offer

    Army Engineers are sappers, mappers, divers, firefighters, geospatial technicians,
Chick Lock

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