Contractors working for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District install a 23-foot-tall concrete shaft enclosure weighing approximately 120,000 pounds as part of the guard wall at the Monongahela River Locks and Dam 4 in Charleroi, Pennsylvania, Nov. 16, 2023.

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Author: Misty Cunningham
  • September

    Volunteers clean Stark Knob Boat Ramp during National Public Lands Day

    HENDERSONVILLE, Tenn. (Sept. 28, 2022) – Volunteers celebrated National Public Lands Day at Stark Knob Boat Ramp, on Old Hickory Lake, Saturday, Sept. 26th. The annual event brought together volunteers from the local community and Nashville District park rangers who helped restore, clean, and improve the recreation area.
  • Nashville District recruits future Corps employees at TSU career fair

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Sept. 27, 2022) – The Nashville District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers partnered with Tennessee State University at a Career Fair on Friday, Sept. 23.
  • Nashville District recruits future Corps employees at TSU career fair

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Sept. 27, 2022) – The Nashville District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers partnered with Tennessee State University at a Career Fair on Friday, Sept. 23.
  • August

    Nashville District rangers spread Water Safety at the Wilson County Fair

    LEBANON, Tenn. (Aug. 31, 2022) —Rangers with the Nashville District Corps of Engineers set up a water safety booth during the Wilson County Fair to hand out educational materials and children’s goody bags. During the weeklong event, J. Percy Priest park rangers greeted fair attendees and passed out pamphlets with important water safety information and maps of local Corps lakes.
  • Dale Hollow State Park Marina earns Clean Marina Award

    BURKESVILLE, Ky. (Aug. 11, 2022)– The Dale Hollow State Park Marina was presented a ‘Clean Marina’ certification flag by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District during a ceremony held at the marina in Burkesville, Kentucky, on August 6.
  • July

    Old Hickory Power Plant receives new Generator Step-up Unit Transformers

    HENDERSONVILLE, Tenn. (July 29, 2022)—Two Generator Step-up Unit Transformers were delivered to the Old Hickory Power Plant in Hendersonville, Tennessee the week of June 20.
  • Cheatham Lock undergoes stop log seal maintenance

    ASHLAND CITY, Tenn. (July 29, 2022)— Nashville District engineers reset upper approach stop logs on Cheatham Lock in Ashland City, TN. Engineers from the USACE Huntington District Light Capacity Fleet assisted with the maintenance work completed July 25.
  • Nashville District participates in TSU’s 2022 National Summer Transportation Institute Program

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (July 27, 2022) – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District collaborated with the Tennessee State University Engineering Department to give science, technology, engineering, and math students a behind the scenes look at hydropower during the National Summer Transportation Institute program.
  • TWRA kicks off Operation Dry Water for July 4th Holiday Weekend

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (July 1, 2022) – The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency held a press day at J. Percy Priest Lake in Nashville, Tennessee to spread the word about Operation Dry Water, before the upcoming 4th of July weekend. ODW, a national awareness and enforcement campaign focused on reducing the number of alcohol and drug-related incidents and fatalities on the water, will take place from July 2 to July 4. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District hosted the event at Priest Lake.
  • June

    Tennessee medical personnel participate in waterborne massive causality exercise at J. Percy Priest Lake

    SMYRNA, Tenn. (June 13, 2022) — Personnel from Ascension Medical Group Saint Thomas conducted multiple mass casualty triage and evacuation incidents at Fate Sanders Marina on J. Percy Priest Lake in Smyrna, Tennessee. The purpose of the exercise was to educate and field test interns in a waterborne reenactment exercise which simulated what a catastrophic boating accident with several victims would entail.
Chick Lock

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