J. Percy Priest Lake photo with dam in foreground

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Latest News

  • CG Visits Huntington for District Assessment

    Major General Mark Quander, Commanding General and Ms. Christy Jones , Acting Programs Director of the Great Lakes and Ohio River Division visited the Huntington District to meet with the district
  • From curiosity to conservation: How a young park ranger discovered two rare, old-growth forests

    Youghiogheny River Lake now has two forests registered into the Old-Growth Forest Network, which is a nationwide nonprofit with volunteers across the country who find the last remnants of old-growth forests in North America. The two newly-discovered forests are Klondike Ridge forest in Pennsylvania and the Mill Run forest in Maryland. Less than one percent of all forests east of the Mississippi River are considered old growth, containing trees older than 70 or 80 years old.
  • USACE upgrades fueling infrastructure at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District recently completed a $21 million project to upgrade the fueling infrastructure at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. The initiative replaces an aging
  • Army Corps to collect Christmas trees at Woodcock Creek Lake

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District will begin accepting live evergreen Christmas trees at Woodcock Creek Lake, which will be used for aquatic habitat improvement projects, beginning Dec. 27.
  • USACE Nashville District awards contracts for Old Hickory tornado recovery

    Near the one-year anniversary of the EF-2 tornado that severely damaged Old Hickory Lock & Dam and the Rockland Recreation area on Dec. 9, 2023, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District has awarded two contracts to rebuild and restore facilities affected by the tornado.
  • Louisville VA Medical Center reaches three-year construction milestone

    After three years of construction, the Louisville VA Medical Center is more than halfway complete and is starting to look a lot like the concept art of the finished facility. This is because a lot of
  • Bobby Bartlett lauded for half century of stewardship at Dale Hollow Lake

    CELINA, Tenn. (Dec. 12, 2024) – Park Ranger Bobby Bartlett attended both the 50th and 75th anniversaries of Dale Hollow Dam and has been a steward of Dale Hollow Lake for half a century. He is somewhat of a legend in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers circles and in local communities for his water safety and public outreach work and as a caretaker of the lake and its recreation areas.
  • MacArthur Lock closing for seasonal repair, maintenance

    The Soo Locks’ MacArthur Lock will close for the Navigation Season to conduct seasonal repairs and maintenance on December 16, 2024. The Poe Lock will remain open until Jan. 15, 2025, or until commercial traffic ceases, whichever occurs first. The Soo Locks operating season is fixed by federal regulation (33 CFR 207.440). “The 800-foot-long MacArthur Lock, built in 1943, is now 81 years old; this maintenance period is critical to keeping the lock in operation during the shipping season,” Maintenance Branch Chief Nicholas Pettit said. The MacArthur Lock has seen 2,806 lockages and 5,170 passages (number of vessels) since opening April 24, 2024, to now, December 12, 2024.
  • Over 300 attend LRD Industry Day

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Great Lakes and Ohio River Division (LRD) hosted Industry Day on Wednesday, December 4, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST at the Hilton Netherland Plaza Hotel in Cincinnati, Ohio. Over 300 members from different industry sectors attended as they learned about USACE LRD’s regional mission, upcoming opportunities, and network with USACE employees across seven regional districts.
  • Roots for the Future: USACE plants bald cypress trees around Rough River Lake

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and volunteers took to the banks of Rough River Lake recently to complete a tree planting project that will provide benefits for the area for years to come. The team of
Chick Lock

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