Pittsburgh District




The Pittsburgh District provides expertise to help the region and the nation meet water resources development, environmental and other engineering needs.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' involvement in works “of a civil nature” dates back almost to the origins of the United States. Over the years, as the Nation’s needs have changed, so have the Army’s Civil Works missions. Those missions today fall into four broad areas:

 - Water infrastructure
 - Environmental management and restoration
 - Response to natural and man-made disasters
 - Engineering and technical services

Missions in each of these areas support the Army, Department of Defense and other federal, state and local agencies.

Delivering integrated regional solutions that minimize risk and enhance reliability for the Nation’s infrastructure, water resources and environment.

Maintaining a team of multi-functional professionals poised to face the challenges of the future.

The Pittsburgh District has developed expertise to accomplish its varied civil works missions in the areas of navigation, flood-damage reduction, recreation, environmental restoration, hydropower, storm-damage reduction, regulatory, water supply and emergency response with more than 140 years of experience. Our jurisdiction includes more than 328 miles of navigable waterways, 23 navigation locks and dams, 16 multi-purpose flood-damage reduction reservoirs, 42 local-flood damage-reduction projects and other projects to protect and enhance water resources and wetlands.  

Like all corps' civil works districts, the Pittsburgh District’s boundaries are defined by the watershed basins for which we are responsible. Pittsburgh’s 26,000 square miles include portions of western Pennsylvania, northern West Virginia, eastern Ohio, western Maryland and southwestern New York.  

The Pittsburgh District is known as the Headwaters District because it includes the upper 127 miles of the Ohio River and the drainage basins of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers which join at the Point in Pittsburgh to form the Ohio River. Additionally, “headwaters” acknowledges Pittsburgh’s role as a district of 'engineering firsts' within the Corps of Engineers.

Our People: Valued and Productive
Our Organization: Effective and Efficient
Our Customers: Valued and Satisfied
Our Future: Integrated solutions to local, national and global challenges

Environmental Restoration

Our region’s strong industrial past has served the nation well but has extracted a high environmental cost.  Congress has given the Corps of Engineers legislative authorities to carry out environmental missions.

Environmental Stewardship

Environmental stewardship has become an integral part of the Corps’ work ethic and its roots extend back into history. The Corps of Engineers was the first federal agency to exercise environmental management over the areas that became Yellowstone and Yosemite National Parks. While this tradition may have been overshadowed by the national pro-development push of the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s, today’s Corps takes a strong approach to protect the environment.

The district’s responsibilities in this area are to maintain technical and professional expertise to assist the nation in fulfilling the objectives of the National Environmental Policy Act and other laws protecting environmental, cultural, historic, and wildlife resources. District efforts include water quality monitoring at all Corps projects; participation with other agencies in fish sampling on the Allegheny, Monongahela and Ohio Rivers; cultural, historical, biological and archeological surveys at proposed construction sites and existing projects; wildlife and natural resource management plans at the reservoirs; and a variety of public education programs.

Infrastructure Rehabilitation

It is possible you have noticed the Corps of Engineers logo while boating on one of the Pittsburgh District’s three rivers, or during a picnic at a nearby lake. The Pittsburgh District not only builds, but operates and maintains the infrastructure of locks and dams and multi-purpose reservoirs that provide local flood protection, navigation corridors, recreation and water quality improvement to our region.

Section 14 of the Flood Control Act of 1946 enables the Corps of Engineers to restore and protect eroded stream banks and shorelines that threaten the structural integrity of public works or non-profit public facilities.  Examples of these works include highways, municipal water supply systems, treatment plants, sewer and water lines, hospitals, schools, fire companies, churches and libraries.

The Corps can also play a role in helping local communities to construct new, improve existing, or expand water-related environmental infrastructure. Section 313 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1992 authorizes the Corps of Engineers to provide support to communities for projects like waste water treatment and related facilities; water supply; storage, treatment, and distribution facilities; and surface water resource projection and development in 21 counties of South Central Pennsylvania.

Section 219 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1992, as amended, authorizes the Corps to provide environmental infrastructure assistance to other areas of southwestern Pennsylvania.  Funding under this program has been received each year since 2002 for work in Allegheny County.

Section 594 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1999 authorizes an Environmental Infrastructure and Resource Protection and Development Program for the State of Ohio.  Funding has been received under this program to prepare a program management plan, to develop model project cooperation agreements and to initiate a number of projects.

Local Protection

In additional to its reservoirs, the Pittsburgh District has constructed 42 local flood protection projects.  These projects are designed to provide protection for heavily developed residential, business and industrial areas with a history of flood problems. 

Such projects typically consist of stream bank protection, dredging, flood walls, drop structures, debris basins and levees. Once construction is completed, these projects are generally turned over to a local sponsor for operation and maintenance. The District and the local sponsor periodically inspect the project to insure it is still capable of providing the protection for which it was designed.

Three local protection projects within the Pittsburgh District hold a unique status in that the Corps retains responsibility for their operation and maintenance. These unique projects are located in Johnstown, Pennsylvania; Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania; and Elkins, West Virginia.

Flood damages within the Pittsburgh District are controlled by both structural and non-structural methods. Non-structural flood warning systems with the Cheat and Tygart River basins in West Virginia are innovative early-warning systems designed to save lives and protect property by providing advance warning of flood crests. Ice jam related flooding is being controlled at Oil City, Pennsylvania with uniquely designed ice control structures on Oil Creek and the Allegheny River.

Support for Others

The District’s Support for Others program provides technical and management services to federal, state and local agencies who do not have the in-house capability to meet their needs for specified activities, or who are interested in combining their resources with the Corps – creating a partnership to support various needs/projects.

Current/Previous Support for Others work provided to:  Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Housing & Urban Development, Military, National Energy Technology Laboratory, National Park Service, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Office of Surface Mining, Panama Canal Commission and the Tennessee Valley Authority.

General Inquiries
Emergency Operations Center
FOIA Request
(412) 395-7407
Front Office
Geospatial Section
Small Business Office
Locks and Dams/Navigation
Public Affairs Office
Real Estate Office
Recreation/Natural Resources Management
Water Management
Water Quality Department
Executive Office 412-395-7103
Regulatory & Permits 412-395-7155
Asset Management Branch 412-395-7177
Strategic Integration Office 412-395-7106
Business Resource Division 412-395-7105
Construction Management Branch 412-395-7533
Contracting Branch  412-395-7508
Corps Employees Retirement or Health Benefits  412-395-7123
Congressional Liaison   412-395-7196
Dam Safety  412-395-7250
Deputy District Engineer for Project Management  412-395-7105
Deputy District Commander  412-395-7102
District Commander  412-395-7103
Emergency Response Mission  412-395-7150
Employment Information  412-395-7488
Engineering, Construction Division  412-395-7378
Engineering: Civil Design  412-395-7287
Engineering: Electrical and Mechanical Design  412-395-7268
Engineering: Geotechnical  412-395-7183
Engineering: Hydraulic and Hydrologic Design  412-395-7207
Engineering: Structural Design  412-395-7513
Equal Employment Opportunity Office  412-395-7236
Flood Plain Information  412-395-7444
General Information  412-395-7100
Human Resources  412-395-7123
Hydrologic & Hydraulic Information
(e.g., water levels, gage readings, water flows):
Internal Review Office  412-395-7523
Land Use Permits  412-395-7155
Locks & Dams Branch  412-395-7652
Logistics Management Office  412-395-7455
Maintenance Branch  412-395-7601
Management Initiatives Branch  412-395-7314
Navigation Design Branch  412-395-7109
Northern Area Office  814-763-5037
Office of Counsel  412-395-7570
Operations Division  412-395-7140
Permits  412-395-7155
Planning & Environmental Branch  412-395-7206
Program & Project Management Branch  412-395-7555
Public Affairs Office  412-395-7500
Readiness Office  412-395-7269
Real Estate Branch  412-395-7116
Recreation & Natural Resources - Northern Area  814-763-5037
Recreation & Natural Resources - Southern Area  304-265-1482
Recreation Permits  412-395-7176
Resource Management Office  412-395-7257
Safety Office  412-395-7509
Security Office  412-395-7162
Senior Citizen Recreation Passes  1-888-ASK-USGS
Small Business Office  412-395-7127
Southern Area Office  304-265-1482
Water Management Branch  412-395-7300
Wetlands/Regulatory Permits  412-395-7155

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District
2200 William S. Moorhead Federal Building
1000 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4186

The Pittsburgh District is merely one of many districts of the Corps of Engineers, United States Army, that direct water resource development and performed other assigned missions throughout the world; yet, it is proper for many reasons to refer to the installation at Pittsburgh as the “headwaters district.” At Pittsburgh, British and French Army Engineers first met in combat, launching the French and Indian War; and from Pittsburgh, American frontier engineers staged their campaigns during the Revolution to secure the Ohio and Mississippi basins for the United States. Here, Army Engineers began their explorations of the American West, and here, the pioneers boarded their frail craft to begin their voyages to new homes on the frontiers. A reminder of those events is the fact that distances along the Ohio River are measured not in miles above the mouth of the stream, as on other rivers, but in miles below Pittsburgh…

The Pittsburgh District was the home of the pioneer marine engineers and waterways shippers. Here were built the first flatboats, keelboats, and steamboats; here the first barges and towboats were built. The district was the cradle of American inland river commerce.

It was natural therefore that the improvement of inland river navigation should begin at Pittsburgh. Here, the Army Engineers undertook their first experiments with waterways improvement engineering, clearing snags and constructing dams in 1824 to open river channels for reliable commerce. So many innovative waterways engineering methods were tried and tested in the Pittsburgh District that it became the empirical “experiment station” for the entire inland rivers system. Pittsburgh was the “headwaters district” for waterways navigation engineering.

It was at Pittsburgh that the great political and engineering controversies over flood control methods began and were fought out during the twentieth century. To find the origins of the modern multipurpose water resource development mission of the Corps of Engineers, one must look to the history of the Pittsburgh District.

In the history of the Pittsburgh District, one also finds many firsts in military construction engineering, - in the engineering of aerospace facilities ranging from biplane aerodromes to moon rockets, and in the multitude of other missions assigned to the Corps of Engineers during the past two centuries. In sum, the district has been the site of so many “firsts” that it clearly is the “headwaters district.”

-- Dr. Leland R. Johnson, Historian
(Excerpted from Author’s Preface, “The Headwaters District, A History of the Pittsburgh District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,” 1978)

Navigation systems across the United States significantly contributed to the growth and economic prosperity of our Nation. For centuries, settlers in the upper Ohio River basin used the system of rivers in the Pittsburgh region to expand commerce and industrial enterprise. In 1824, Congress tasked the Corps of Engineers with improving navigation on the Ohio River. 

Dedicated in 1885, Davis Island Lock and Dam, was the first of 53 Ohio River locks and dams, built over a 44 year period, descending from Pittsburgh to Cairo, Illinois. In 1893, the corps opened a permanent office in Pittsburgh with the mission of improving navigation on the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers. Today, Pittsburgh District’s navigation system includes 23 locks and dams on the Allegheny, Monongahela and Ohio rivers. 

To support this system, the district also operates a major warehouse and repair facility located on Neville Island, housing a repair fleet responsible for major maintenance work on the locks and dams. Eight locks and dams on the Allegheny River provide 72 miles of slack-water navigation from the Point at Pittsburgh to above East Brady, Pennsylvania. Nine locks and dams on the Monongahela River maintain navigable waters for the entire 128.7 miles of the river from just above Fairmont, West Virginia to the Point at Pittsburgh. Six locks and dams on the Ohio River provide navigable waters from the Point at Pittsburgh for 127.2 miles of the river downstream to New Martinsville, West Virginia.

The three rivers that make up the Port of Pittsburgh are used to carry raw materials, bulk and manufactured goods for many industries in the region. The Port of Pittsburgh is the second-busiest inland port and the second-busiest port of any kind in the nation.

Allegheny River Lock and Dam 2, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Lock and Dam 2 consists of a single lock chamber and a fixed crest dam.
Allegheny River Lock and Dam 3
1 Barking Road, New Kensington, PA 15068 | (412) 828-3550
Allegheny River Lock and Dam 4
1 River Avenue , Natrona, PA. 15065-2609 | 724-224-2666 
Allegheny River Lock and Dam 5
842 Dam Road, Freeport, PA 16229-2031 | 724-295-2261
Allegheny River Lock and Dam 6
1258 River Road, Freeport, PA 16229-2023 | 724-295-3775 (unmanned) 
Allegheny River Lock and Dam 7
240 Tarrtown Rd, Kittanning, PA 16201 | 724-543-2551
Allegheny River Lock and Dam 8
1107 State Route 1033, Templeton, PA 16259-2209 | 724-548-5119
Allegheny River Lock and Dam 9
509 Rimerton Road, Templeton, PA 16259 | 724-868-2486
Braddock Locks and Dam
11th Street, Braddock, PA 15104-1704 | 412-271-1272 
Monongahela River Locks and Dam 3
P.O. Box 455, Elizabeth, PA 15037-0455 | 412-384-4532 
Monongahela River Locks and Dam 4
1900 Gibsonton Road, Belle Vernon, PA 15012-4514 | 724-684-8442 
Maxwell Locks and Dam
142 Maxwell Locks and Dam, E. Millsboro, PA 15433-1261 | 724-785-5027 
Grays Landing Lock and Dam
599 Broadway Street, Masontown, PA 15461-0671 | 724-583-8304 
Point Marion Lock and Dam
304 Powerplant Road, Dilliner, PA 15327-9603 | 724-725-5289
Morgantown Lock and Dam
26 Morgantown Lock Road, Morgantown, WV 26501-2329 | 304-292-1885
Hildebrand Lock and Dam
1610 Hildebrand Lock and Dam Road, Morgantown, WV 26501-7643 | 304-983-2300 
Opekiska Lock and Dam
1241 Opekiska Road, Fairmont, WV 26554-8612 | 304-366-4224 
Emsworth Locks and Dams
0 Western Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15202-1708 | 412-766-6213 
Dashields Locks and Dam
100 Dashields Lock Road, Coraopolis, PA 15108-5417 | 724-457-8430 
Montgomery Locks and Dam
100 Montgomery Dam Road, Monaca, PA 15061-2221 | 724-643-8400 
New Cumberland Locks and Dam
P.O. Box 159, Stratton, OH 43961-0159 | 740-537-2571 
Pike Island Locks and Dam
RR #1, Box 33, Wheeling, WV 26003-9701 | 304-277-2127 
Hannibal Locks and Dam
P.O. Box 8, Hannibal, OH 43931-0008 | 740-483-2305 

When a storm hits, multi-purpose flood-control reservoirs built and maintained by the Corps of Engineers retain excess water upstream of the dam. Controlled releases of this excess water prevent or reduce downstream flooding. Without the corps' reservoirs, the Flood of January 1996 would have raised the crest at the Point in Pittsburgh by 9.7 feet, and during the September 2004 flooding from Hurricane Ivan, the crest at the Point of 31.1 feet would have been 7.7 feet higher.

As the Headwaters District, Pittsburgh has played a key role in the evolvement of the Corps of Engineers’ flood damage reduction mission. Part of that role is directly related to the region’s history of major floods. Local and state efforts to find solutions to local and regional flooding prompted Congressional debate on a national flood control role. Devastation from the 1936 St. Patrick’s Day Flood provided the impetus to pass the Omnibus Flood Control Act of 1936 assigning that mission to the Corps of Engineers.

Since then, the Pittsburgh District has constructed a system of 16 flood control reservoirs and 42 local protection projects that have returned more than $20 in flood damages prevented for every $1 invested. Regional sources estimate that the district’s flood control reservoirs prevented more than $14 billion of damages and 42 of its local flood protection projects prevented more than $2.6 billion of damages since their construction.

Water quality management is an integral part of corps' civil works missions. The Pittsburgh District, as stewards of federal lands and the environment, complies with the mandates of the Clean Water Act and other laws and regulations to enhance the physical, biological and chemical integrity of our nation’s waters. We conduct field surveys and operate a real-time monitoring network to assess existing water quality conditions at our reservoirs and navigation locks and dams, track trends, operate reservoirs for optimum downstream benefits and identify and implement aquatic ecosystem restoration initiatives.

Although specific for each site, the primary purposes for our reservoirs include flood control, low flow augmentation, water supply, water quality, navigation, recreation and conservation of fish and wildlife. Approximately 90 percent of our total reservoir storage is dedicated to water quality. By manipulating flows, we can substantially benefit downstream water quality.

Youghiogheny River Lake
Provides flood protection for the Youghiogheny and lower Monongahela river valleys, and the upper Ohio River.
Berlin Lake
Berlin Lake provides flood protection for the Mahoning River Valley as well as for the Beaver and upper Ohio rivers.
Michael J. Kirwan Dam and Reservoir
Provides flood protection for the Mahoning River Valley and the Beaver and upper Ohio River.
Mosquito Creek Lake
Provides flood protection for the Mahoning River Valley, as well as the Beaver and upper Ohio rivers.
Conemaugh River Lake
Provides flood protection for the lower Conemaugh Valley, the Kiskiminetas Valley, the lower Allegheny Valley, and the upper Ohio River Valley.
Crooked Creek Lake
Crooked Creek Lake is an important link in a system of flood-control projects and provides flood protection for the lower Allegheny and Ohio rivers.
East Branch Clarion River Lake
A key project in a system reducing flooding in the Allegheny and upper Ohio rivers, Clarion River valley, and the Johnsonburg and Ridgway boroughs.
Kinzua Dam & Allegheny Reservoir
Kinzua Dam substantially reduces flooding in the Allegheny and upper Ohio river valleys, and Warren, Pennsylvania.
Loyalhanna Lake
Provides flood protection for the lower Loyalhanna Creek and Kiskiminetas River valleys, and the lower Allegheny and upper Ohio rivers.
Mahoning Creek Lake
Mahoning Dam provides flood protection for the lower Allegheny River Valley and the upper Ohio River.
Shenango River Lake
Mitigates flooding for the Shenango River valley, as well as for the Beaver and upper Ohio rivers.
Tionesta Lake
A key link in a system of flood-control projects for the Allegheny and upper Ohio rivers.
Union City Dam
Provides flood protection for the French Creek Valley, and to a lesser degree, the Allegheny River below Franklin, Pennsylvania.
Woodcock Creek Lake
Provides flood protection for the French Creek system.
Youghiogheny River Lake
Provides flood protection for the Youghiogheny and lower Monongahela river valleys, and the upper Ohio River.
Stonewall Jackson Lake
Provides flood protection, low flow augmentation for water quality, water supply, fish and wildlife enhancement, hydropower and recreation.
Tygart Lake
Provides flood protection for the Tygart River Valley, and the Monongahela and upper Ohio rivers.

The Corps of Engineers provides emergency assistance under Public Law 84-99 to save lives and protect improved property (i.e., public facilities and services, residential or commercial developments) during flooding or coastal storms. The corps also reconstructs levees damaged in flood events. Assistance to individual homeowners and businesses is not permitted. Corps operations are federally funded, but the Corps has no authority to reimburse states or local communities for their efforts. The corps provides support to other agencies, particularly the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), under Public Law 93-288.

  • Assistance in search and rescue operations.
  • Emergency construction of, or repairs to, levees or other flood protection projects.
  • Hiring of contractors and equipment for flood fighting, construction of levees, etc.
  • Providing flood fighting materials (i.e. sandbags, sandbag machines, plastic sheeting, pumps, etc.)
  • Technical advice and assistance on flood fighting.
  • Removal of stream obstructions or bridge opening blockages.
  • Flooding must be occurring. Urban or residential areas only.
  • A declaration of a state of emergency or a written request from the governor of the state or from a local official is required. The request must detail state and local commitments and identify the specific needs and types of assistance requested.
  • Emergency Operations assistance is meant to be temporary in nature and will be in support of state and local ongoing or planned efforts. Non-federal interests must commit all available resources (i.e., manpower, supplies, equipment, funds, etc.)
  • The request must be technically feasible and economically justified.
  • The state must agree to furnish all assurances of local cooperation and indemnification of the United States.
  • Local interests must sign a cooperative agreement, unless only Technical Assistance and/or Rescue Operations are provided, and to remove all temporary works.
  • Corps efforts cease when the floodwaters have receded to bank-full conditions.

The Department of the Army Regulatory Program is one of the oldest in the Federal Government. Initially it served a fairly simple, straightforward purpose: to protect and maintain the navigable capacity of the nation's waters. Time, changing public needs, evolving policy, case law, and new statutory mandates have changed the complexion of the program, adding to its breadth, complexity, and authority. The Regulatory Program is committed to protecting the Nation's aquatic resources, while allowing reasonable development through fair, flexible and balanced permit decisions. The Corps evaluates permit applications for essentially all construction activities that occur in the Nation's waters, including wetlands.

The Corps of Engineers has been involved in regulating certain activities in the nation’s waters since 1899. Initially, the primary driver of the corps’ regulatory program was the protection of navigation.  Passage of the Clean Water Act in 1972, greatly broadened this role. Today, work in navigable waters ,or depositing dredge or fill materials in waters of the United States, including wetlands, requires a permit from the Corps of Engineers.

In making decisions on whether to grant, deny or set conditions on permits, the Pittsburgh District considers the full range of environmental and socio-economic factors.

The permit process varies depending on the project’s complexity, location and effect on the environment. Anyone who is planning work related environments such as lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands, and ponds within the Pittsburgh District’s regulatory boundaries should contact our regulatory department to determine federal jurisdiction, ask questions or submit a permit application.

Pittsburgh District Corps of Engineers
William S. Moorhead Federal Building
1000 Liberty Avenue
Regulatory Branch, Suite 2200
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Phone: (412) 395-7155
Fax: (412) 644-4211

Northern Section: 412-395-7115
Southern Section: 412-395-7209

Email us: Regulatory.Permits@usace.army.mil 



Planning is a structured, rational approach to solving problems that requires experience, analysis, intuition, inspiration and collaboration. Planners help decision makers identify problems, develop solutions, and consider the importance of the conflicting values inherent in any solution.

Planning plays a vital role in supporting the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' civil works water resources development mission in the Pittsburgh District. Members of a Corps planning team are professionals with expertise in water resources planning, including plan formulation, environmental evaluation, cultural resources evaluation, Civil Works policy, and public involvement.

In addition to possessing knowledge, skills and insights, Corps planners seek input from the public (homeowners, businesses, environmental advocates, Native American Tribes and interest groups) and agencies (federal, state, regional and local) to arrive at a solution for a water resource issue. Examples of water resource issues include flooding, degraded ecosystems, streambank erosion and stormwater management.

The Pittsburgh District can assist local communities with large or small water resource issues.

Emsworth Locks & Dams Major Rehabilitation Project
Rehabilitating the oldest lock project on the Ohio River system.
Lower Monongahela River Project
Recapitalizing the lower Monongahela River by upgrading, converting, or reconstructing the river's three oldest navigation facilities.
Shallow Land Disposal Area
Remediating and cleaning up an area affected by the nation's atomic weapons and energy programs.
Tar Pamlico Basin Flood Risk-Management Study
Assessing and recommending actions that reduce flood risk and increase resiliency within the Tar-Pamlico River Basin.
Upper Ohio River Navigation Project
Revitalizing the oldest and smallest locks in the entire Ohio River navigation system - the Emsworth, Dashields and Montgomery locks and dams.
Youghiogheny River Lake
In the heart of the Laurel Highlands and spanning the Mason-Dixon Line between Pennsylvania and Maryland lays Youghiogheny River Lake.
Berlin Lake
Take time out to enjoy the ever-changing pattern of life and scenery that await you at Berlin Lake. Located near Akron, Youngstown, and Warren, Ohio the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers invites you to trade the sights and sounds of the city for those of the Ohio countryside.
Michael J. Kirwan Dam and Reservoir
Surrounded by the lush, green farmland of northern Ohio, the Michael J. Kirwan Dam provides miles of clean waters and scenic countryside for your enjoyment.
Mosquito Creek Lake
Amidst the panorama of rural countryside and the suburban settings of northeastern Ohio lies Mosquito Creek Lake. Mosquito Creek Lake is one of the most popular sites for outdoor recreation in the area, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers invites you to come and discover the wide range of recreational opportunities available for your enjoyment at the lake.
Conemaugh River Lake
An abundance of cultural resources and recreational opportunities coupled with a great river revival and trail has certainly made Conemaugh River Lake the place to be for outdoor fun!
Crooked Creek Lake
Nestled among the rolling hills of western Pennsylvania, Crooked Creek Lake is an ideal setting for year-round outdoor activities. Located only 30 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers invites you to discover the scenic beauty of the lake and surrounding countryside. Visitors will find they can pursue a variety of outdoor activities at the lake with its numerous, well-maintained facilities available for enjoyment. For those who enjoy the outdoors, a visit to Crooked Creek Lake can be a rewarding experience. 
East Branch Clarion River Lake
In the heart of Elk County and scenic upper Clarion River Valley, the US Army Corps of Engineers invites you to visit and enjoy the ideal setting for a variety of recreational experiences. East Branch Lake is surrounded by Elk State Park, Elk State Forest and State Game Lands to further enhance the idyllic setting of your visit.
Kinzua Dam and Allegheny Reservoir
Totally surrounded by forest, Kinzua Dam and Allegheny Reservoir are at the heart of one of the largest and most popular outdoor recreation complexes in the northeastern United States. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers invites you to visit the reservoir and discover a diversity of year-round recreational opportunities that will delight the outdoor enthusiast.
Loyalhanna Lake
Located in southwestern Pennsylvania, among terrain characterized by its diversity, Loyalhanna Lake provides a mixture of scenery and recreational opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Pittsburgh District invites you to visit the Loyalhanna project and enjoy its natural settings.
Mahoning Creek Lake
Situated among steep-sided valleys and forested hillsides, Mahoning Creek Lake is surrounded by the rugged and striking terrain of western Pennsylvania. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers invites you to discover Mahoning’s breathtaking scenery and its opportunities for outdoor recreation.
Shenango River Lake
The scenic Shenango Recreation Area campground has 330 sites available, many of which are equipped with electric hookup. Showers, restrooms, playgrounds and dump stations are provided. Campers visiting the lake will enjoy the spacious facilities and ease of access to the lake, as well as opportunities to enjoy watching the birds and other wildlife that live there.
Tionesta Lake
Winding its way through the rugged hills of northwestern Pennsylvania, Tionesta Lake offers a unique setting for a diversity of outdoor recreational opportunities. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers invites you to visit the project and discover Tionesta's delightful lake and the natural beauty of the surrounding forest.
Union City Dam
The Union City Dam provides visitors with the chance to enjoy a number of outdoor recreational opportunities. The different types of habitat and ecosystems that can be found at the reservoir provide hikers, bird watchers and the novice naturalist with a variety of flora and fauna to discover and enjoy.
Woodcock Creek Lake
Placidly resting amidst gently rolling hills, Woodcock Creek Lake complements the tranquil rural countryside of central Crawford County.
Youghiogheny River Lake
In the heart of the Laurel Highlands and spanning the Mason-Dixon Line between Pennsylvania and Maryland lays Youghiogheny River Lake.
Stonewall Jackson Lake
Stonewall Jackson Lake, nestled in the rolling hills of West Virginia, is easily accessible from Interstate 79. The lake is located in Lewis County, West Virginia, an area rich in history and Appalachian tradition. These factors combined with the scenic beauty of the area provide for excellent outdoor recreational opportunities.
Tygart Lake
Located in the picturesque West Virginia countryside, Tygart Lake's blue waters and irregular shoreline contrast with the surrounding steep mountain terrain. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers invites you to discover the beauty of Tygart Lake and its scenic vistas that provide the ideal setting for many outdoor recreational activities.

Points of Interest
The Pittsburgh District attempts to solicit all requirements for commodities, services, and construction between the $2,500 and $100,000 range by computer through Army Single Face to Industry (ASFI) and FedBizOpps.
     All competitive requirements over $25,000 that are not deemed suitable for an ASFI solicitation are published by the FedBizOpps (Federal Business Opportunities) . Each notice of a proposed procurement is published only once, so it is important to check the FedBizOpps regularly.
     Contract and Bid Information is also available at the Pittsburgh District Contracting Branch Office located on the 22d floor of the William S. Moorhead Federal Building, Room 2203, 1000 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222.

EFT and CCR Requirements
     All contractors/vendors doing business with Department of Defense (DoD) agencies must be registered with Central Contractor Registration (CCR). After May 30, 1998, firms not registered in CCR will be unable to receive DoD awards. To obtain registration forms, call the Central Contractor Registration Assistance Center at (888) 227-2423. Firms may also register on-line via the internet on the CCR Website. It is mandatory that all contracts contain provisions for Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) with few exceptions.

     To streamline the procurement process, the Pittsburgh District utilizes the Government Credit Card for micro-purchases (purchases of $2,500 and less). The card is an internationally accepted VISA credit card issued by US Bank System, and bears the legend "For Official Government Use."

American Recovery And Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
     Recipients that received contracts with ARRA funds are subject to recipient reporting. All recipients will report via www.FederalReporting.gov. Training is available at this website on the information required and how to file the reports.

Important Notice
     The Department of Defense has mandated that paperless contracting be in place for all acquisition types. Therefore, vendors are encouraged to be capable of accepting Government Credit Cards and subscribe to ASFI / FedBizOpps to maximize business opportunities.


Col. Nicholas Melin, Pittsburgh District commander

Colonel Nicholas O. Melin




An army officer standing in front of a U.S. flag.

Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Tabacchi

Deputy for Programs and Project Management



Brian Trzaska started as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District’s Deputy District Engineer, and Deputy Program Manager for the Planning, Programs and Project Management Division (P3MD) on July 5, 2023.

Mr. Brian Trzaska

Deputy District Engineer




The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is an innovative, transformative organization providing engineering solutions to customers worldwide. Our 34,000 employees—primarily civilian—are delivering positive impacts for today and tomorrow.

Working at USACE as a civilian employee means making a direct contribution to war fighters and their families, supporting overseas contingency operations, developing technology and systems that save the lives of soldiers and civilians, providing disaster relief, and protecting and enhancing the environment and the national economy.

It’s an exciting time to work for USACE. We offer challenging professional, technical and administrative assignments in the U.S. and abroad—each building on a strong tradition of public service extending back more than 200 years.


News, Notices and More

PHOTOS: Crowds gather in beautiful wintery landscape at Shenango for Eagle Fest
The Shenango River Lake hosted its fifth annual Eagle Fest at the lake in partnership with other natural conservation agencies, including Shenango River Watchers, the Pennsylvania Game Commission, and...
Black belts and boundary lines: Real estate specialist lives a double life of discipline and defense
Jeffrey Horneman works for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District as the deputy chief of the real estate office. Horneman has volunteered to provide free Taekwondo classes to youth...
From curiosity to conservation: How a young park ranger discovered two rare, old-growth forests
Youghiogheny River Lake now has two forests registered into the Old-Growth Forest Network, which is a nationwide nonprofit with volunteers across the country who find the last remnants of old-growth...
Corps of Engineers restricts access to Great Crossings Bridge at Youghiogheny River Lake
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District is announcing that due to unknown bridge stability and public safety concerns, public access to the Great Crossings Bridge at Youghiogheny River...
Chipping away old concrete to preserve Montgomery Dam piers for the future
With the Ohio River's navigation system at stake, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District is restoring the aging Montgomery Dam piers, which are vital for supporting commercial barge...