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We are dedicated to providing strong protection of Alabama's aquatic resources and wetlands by reviewing and approving projects that might impact the state of Alabama. Applications are reviewed on a first come-first served basis with a target response time of 60 days after an application is submitted. Early coordination makes the process easier for you and will help towards a tmely authorization. Pre-application meetings are encouraged, particularly for larger projects.
Learn more about types of permits.
An individual WQC will be required for any USACE Individual Section 404 Permit involving the discharge of fill material. If WQC is required, USACE may contact you to initiate the process upon receipt of the Joint Permit Application (JPA). The final 2023 Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification Improvement Rule (2023 Rule) is grounded in the fundamental authority granted by Congress to states, territories, and Tribes to protect water resources that are essential to healthy people and thriving communities.
Applicants must describe how they will avoid, minimize, and compensate for impacts to U.S. waters. Mitigation is typically required for permanent wetland losses over 0.1 acres and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
USACE can permit others to modify a USACE civil works project if the change won’t harm the public or reduce the project’s effectiveness. Visit our Section 408 page to learn more.
The Nashville District regulates mining activities that involve placing fill material into "waters of the U.S."
Alabama 2021 Nationwide Permits
General Regulatory Forms
ENG Form 4345 - Application for Department of the Army Permit
ENG Form 6082 - Nationwide Permit Pre-Construction Notification (PCN)
ENG Form 6284 - Regulatory Violation Complaint
ENG Form 6285 - Certification of Compliance with Department of the Army Permit
ENG Form 6286 - Request Pre-Application Meeting or Project Scoping
ENG Form 6287 - Notification of Administrative Appeal Options and Process and Request for Appeal
ENG Form 6294 - Right of Entry
ENG Form 6295 - Authorization to Act as an Agent
Jurisdictional Determination Forms
ENG Form 6247
ENG Form 6249
Aquatic Resources Delineation Forms
Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Wetland Determination Data Sheet Version 2.0
ENG 6113-3 Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Excel Automated Data Sheet
Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Wetlands Determination Data Sheet Version 2.0
ENG 6113-4 Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Excel Automated Data Sheet
User Guide for the Automated Wetland Determination Data Sheets
ENG 6250 - Rapid Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) Field Identification Data Sheet
ENG 6233 - Regulatory Customer Service Survey