Public Review Documents & Approved Review Plans

Tag: navigation
  • Navigation Notice 24-03: Cheatham Lock closing for repairs

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District announces Cheatham Lock at Cumberland River mile 148.6 in Ashland City, Tennessee, is closing for repairs on the upstream sector gear 9 a.m. Feb. 13 to 5 p.m. Feb. 16, 2024.
  • Navigation Notice 24-02: Pickwick Main Lock closing for repairs

    Pickwick Main Lock at Tennessee River mile 206 is closing to navigation March 18 to May 9, 2024 while the USACE Light Capacity Fleet installs components on the upper miter gates in preparation for future maintenance repairs.
  • Black Rock Miter Gates, Black Rock Channel and Tonawanda Harbor, NY

    This Review Plan (RP) defines the overall scope and levels of review required for the engineering and design (E&D) products for the Black Rock Lock Miter Gates project (P2# 478211).

  • Navigation Notice 23-48: Intermittent delays possible at Nickajack Lock

    Expiration date: 1/22/2024

    A contractor will be working to paint the wall armor at Nickajack Lock at Tennessee River mile 424.7 Nov. 6, 2023, to Jan. 19, 2024. During this period there could be intermittent delays up to four hours between 6 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Vessels are requested to contact the lock at 423-942-3985 with estimated time of arrival to minimize wait times. Call Nickajack Lock at 423-942-3985 for more information.
  • Navigation Notice 23-47: Bank stabilization project set at Cumberland River mile 205.8 from December to April

    Expiration date: 4/11/2024

    SES Civil and Environment is performing a bank stabilization project alongside the shoreline at Cumberland River mile 205.8 at the KR Harrington Water Treatment Plant Dec. 4, 2023, through April 10, 2024.
  • Navigation Notice 23-47: Bank stabilization project set at Cumberland River mile 205.8 from December to April

    Expiration date: 4/11/2024

    SES Civil and Environment is performing a bank stabilization project alongside the shoreline at Cumberland River mile 205.8 at the KR Harrington Water Treatment Plant Dec. 4, 2023, through April 10, 2024.
  • Navigation Notice 23-46: Mooring cell out of service upstream of Eggners Ferry Highway Bridge

    The downstream most mooring cell at Tennessee River mile 43.6 just downstream of the Eggners Ferry Highway Bridge is damaged and out of service. A recent inspection revealed it has lost some of its stabilizing fill to support use. Vessels can still use the upstream most cell provided no contact is made with the downstream cell. Call Caleb Skinner, area lockmaster at Kentucky Lock, at 270-362-4226 for more information.
  • Navigation Notice 23-45: Wilson Lock Main Chamber closed during daytime Nov. 6, 2023

    Expiration date: 11/7/2023

    Wilson Lock's main navigation lock at Tennessee River mile 259.4 in Florence, Alabama, is closed 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. CST Monday, Nov. 6, 2023, while Tennessee Valley Authority moves its hydro unit caisson through the lock to perform diving operation on the upstream stoplog recess. For more information, call Brian Brewer, Facility Operations supervisor, at 256-247-3311.
  • Navigation Notice 23-42-1: Kentucky Lock closure update

    Expiration date: 10/30/2023

    Kentucky Lock will be closed to navigation daily from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. CST starting Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023, and will reopen to navigation at 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 26, 2023, then close 6 a.m. Monday, Oct. 30, 2023, and reopen at 6 p.m. to make repairs to the downstream river wall air seals. Traffic may pass by taking the alternate route via Barkley Lock and the Barkley Canal.
  • Navigation Notice 23-43: TVA performing work on transmission lines below Wheeler Dam

    Expiration date: 11/2/2023

    Navigation Notice 23-43: The Tennessee Valley Authority is working on transmission lines just below Wheeler Dam. Work begins Oct. 30, 2023, and will continue for about eight days. Work is taking place daily from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Three boats are positioned as safety boats with white and yellow flashing lights. One will have a U.S. Coast Guard licensed master of towing vessel so a good line of communication can be maintained between the project and commercial traffic. Its call sign is TVA1. The fourth boat is a police boat with blue lights to maintain safety of recreation vessels, and its call sign is TVA2.sels, and its call sign is TVA2.
Chick Lock

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