Public Review Documents & Approved Review Plans

Draft Environmental Assessment/FONSI - Village of Park Forest Water Main Improvement Project

Chicago District
Published Feb. 4, 2025
Expiration date: 3/6/2025

The proposed project would improve water distribution infrastructure within the Village of Park Forest, Cook County, Illinois. Existing water supply infrastructure in the Village of Park Forest has reached the end of its useful lifespan. There have been more than 20 main breaks within the project area in the past five years. The proposed project will reduce the frequency of water main breaks, service disruptions, and water loss. Additionally, the existing fire flows project area under current conditions are below International Organization for Standardization standards for single family homes. While the existing water pressure in the water mains currently meets the standard minimums, additional deterioration and breakages could result in water pressure below the standard minimum. 

The Draft Environmental Assessment considers three alternatives to improve water supply infrastructure in the area. The recommended plan includes the removal and replacement of 3,500 linear feet (LF) of 6-inch cast iron water mains with 8-inch polyvinyl chloride (PVC) water main along Miami Street (between Indianwood Boulevard and Niagara Street), Neola Street (between Miami Street and Marquette Street), and Marquette Street (between Indianwood Boulevard and Niagara Street). Additionally, approximately 550 LF of storm sewer would be relocated to meet Illinois Environmental Protection Agency requirements for separation between water mains and sewer systems. 

Comments regarding the Draft EA/FONSI for the proposed action may be submitted via email or mail. Emailed comments should be sent to . Mailed comments should be sent to the attention of Mr. Andrew J. Miller (CELRC-PDL-E) at 231 South LaSalle Street, Suite 1500, Chicago, IL 60604. All comments should be postmarked or emailed by March 6, 2025.  Questions should be directed to Mr. Miller at (312) 846-5571.


Chick Lock

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