Public Review Documents & Approved Review Plans

Notice of Availability for draft EA and Unsigned FONSI for Proposed Sunset Marina Expansion Project; Pickett County, Tennessee

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District
Published Oct. 24, 2024
Expiration date: 11/25/2024
This is a map of the proposed Sunset Marina Lease Expansion Project at Dale Hollow Lake in Monroe, Tennessee. (USACE Graphic)

This is a map of the proposed Sunset Marina Lease Expansion Project at Dale Hollow Lake in Monroe, Tennessee. (USACE Graphic)

This is a map showing details for the Sunset Marina Lease Expansion Concept Plan at Dale Hollow Lake in Monroe, Tennessee. (USACE Graphic)

This is a map showing details for the Sunset Marina Lease Expansion Concept Plan at Dale Hollow Lake in Monroe, Tennessee. (USACE Graphic)

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District (USACE) presents a draft Environmental Assessment (EA) and unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) to assess the impacts of the proposed Sunset Marina and Resort Expansion Project in Pickett County, Tennessee. The purpose of the project is to develop a commercial marina facility and related services to meet public recreational demand while allowing the project applicant to make a fair profit.

Attached maps show the proposed project location and master plan concept map.

The EA evaluates two alternatives for the proposed project:

•Alternative 1 – No Action – Under Alternative 1, the proposed Marina Project would not take place. The proposed lease expansion would not be allowed and the improvements to the existing parking, boat ramp, walking trail, future lodging area, additional boat slips, or other amenities proposed would not be permitted. This alternative would result in continued operation of the Marina under current conditions and continue USACE operations of Plank yard access for recreational users.
•Alternative 2 – Approval of the Proposed Project – Alternative 2 would allow the Marina to develop the Proposed Project. The construction proposed includes widening of an existing access road servicing the Marina, placement of 100 boat slips and associated access walkway within the new lease area, improvement to the existing parking spaces, installation of wave breaks, construction of a walking trail, construction of the pavilion and bathrooms, lodging area, and other associated amenities.

This letter serves as a Notice of Availability (NOA) for reviewing the draft EA and unsigned FONSI. The draft EA was prepared pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Council on Environmental Quality Regulations (40 CFR 1500-1508), and the USACE implementing regulation, ER 200-2-2, 1988, Policies and Procedures for Implementing NEPA. 

We request comments be sent, by email, to no later than 30 calendar days from the date of this letter to ensure consideration. If you are unable to access an email account, you may send written comments to 110 9th Avenue South, Room A-405, Nashville, TN, ATTN: CELRN-PMP (David Adams). Your participation is greatly appreciated.


Valerie J. McCormack
Chief, Project Planning Branch

Chick Lock

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