Public Review Documents & Approved Review Plans

Scoping Information: New Dredged Sediment Nearshore Placement Area for Fairport Harbor, Ohio

Buffalo District
Published Aug. 28, 2024
Expiration date: 9/30/2024

Information regarding the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Buffalo District’s proposed establishment of a new nearshore placement area for coarse sediment dredged from the federal navigation channels at Fairport Harbor, Ohio, and to elicit any concerns of potential affected parties. 

The USACE, on a biannual basis, needs to dredge and place sediment excavated from the authorized federal navigation channels of Fairport Harbor, in order to maintain authorized channel depths. There is an existing authorized nearshore placement area already present just east of the harbor. However, this nearshore placement area is no longer usable, and a new placement area is needed. Therefore, the USACE is investigating other nearshore locations within the vicinity of Fairport Harbor for the placement of coarse-grain sediment dredged from the federal navigation channels.

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Chick Lock

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