Public Review Documents & Approved Review Plans

Review Plan for Feasibility Study Products for the Carthage, TN Streambank Stabilization Project

Nashville District
Published July 26, 2024
Expiration date: 7/31/2026

The principal problem discussed in this report is erosion of the eastern streambank along the Cumberland River at River Mile 308. The erosion is jeopardizing critical infrastructure at the Carthage, TN Wastewater Treatment Plant. The sponsor, The City of Carthage, owns, operates, and maintains the water treatment plant. The municipal plant is crucial as it provides treatment of wastewater from the Carthage, TN population of approximately 2,500. A no action alternative could result in eventual damage to the 150,000-gallon final digester tank or access road within the treatment plant due to erosion, resulting in the inability to treat raw sewage before it is released into the Cumberland River. This would place a significant burden on the local government and put public health at risk for an extended period of time. 

Chick Lock

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