Public Review Documents & Approved Review Plans

Review Plan for Design and Construction Products for the K.R. Harrington Water Treatment Plan Streambank Stabilization Project

Nashville District
Published July 26, 2024
Expiration date: 7/31/2025

The principal problem of this project is erosion of the southern streambank along the Cumberland River just upstream from its confluence with the Stones River. The erosion is jeopardizing critical infrastructure at the K.R. Harrington Water Treatment Plant. The sponsor, Nashville - Davidson Metro Water Services, maintains the water treatment plant. Continued, uninterrupted operation of the plant is crucial, since it is one of only two that provides 666,000+ people in the Nashville - Davidson Metro area with clean drinking water. This was exemplified by the 2010 flooding in Nashville, when the treatment plant was inundated and rendered inoperable for a month. During this time, a greater strain was placed on the Omohundro treatment plant (which itself came close to inundation), resulting in increased water turbidity and risks to public health. A no action alternative would result in the eventual loss of the soils building at the treatment plant to erosion, the closure of the plant, and its potential relocation. This would place a significant burden on the Nashville-Davidson Metro government and put public health at risk for a protracted period of time. 

Construction of this project was completed in early 2024 and reviews of final construction deliverables are ongoing through the remainder of Summer 2024

Chick Lock

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