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Tag: Levisa Fork River
  • Buchanan County Section 202 Project

    The primary components of the project include school relocations; an Emergency Evacuation Plan (EEP); and a voluntary floodproofing and floodplain evacuation program. The Buchanan County Career and Technical Center (BCCTHLC) qualifies for a floodproofing Ring wall around the facility and USACE Huntington District completed the Design Documentation Report (DDR) in November 2019.
  • Pike Levisa Detailed Project Report

    his Section 202 Flood Damage Reduction Project encompasses the areas located along the mainstem of the Levisa Fork in Pike County, Kentucky including all tributaries in the county that experienced flooding in April 1977. The local sponsor is the Pike County Fiscal Court and the cost-share percentage is 95% Federal and 5% non-Federal.
Chick Lock

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