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Pike Levisa Detailed Project Report

Huntington District
Published Jan. 4, 2024

This Section 202 Flood Damage Reduction Project encompasses the areas located along the mainstem of the Levisa Fork in Pike County, Kentucky including all tributaries in the county that experienced flooding in April 1977. The local sponsor is the Pike County Fiscal Court and the cost-share percentage is 95% Federal and 5% non-Federal.  There are over 2,000 residences and commercial structures with a potential for non-structural floodproofing in the study area.  There is also a potential for non-structural floodproofing of 1 ringwall around the Millard Middle School and Pike County Vo-Tech Center.  There also is a potential for structural floodproofing with two floodwalls at North Pikeville and Coal Run.  The Detailed Project Report was approved by HQUSACE in 2011.  In September, 2020 the Economic Report and NEPA update were completed and approved.  The Project Partnership Agreement (PPA) between the Corps and the Sponsor was signed in 2021.

Project Name in Appropriations Bill: Levisa and Tug Forks and Upper Cumberland River, WV, VA & KY (KY element)
Authorization: Section 202 of the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act of 1981 (P.L. 96-367), as amended by the Supplemental Appropriations Act of 1982 (P.L. 97-257)
Project Sponsor: Pike County Fiscal Court
Project Stakeholders: Residents, businesses, and public facilities within the Levisa Fork basin in Pike County and KY Department for Local Government (county's financing partner)
Project Location: This project encompasses the areas located along the mainstem of the Levisa Fork in Pike County, Kentucky including all tributaries in the county.
Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Activities:

  • Complete 100% Design Document Report (DDR) and Construction Plans and Specs (P&S)
  • Obtain funding for construction

Contact Info
Project Manager: 304-399-5322


Chick Lock

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