Contractors working for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District install a 23-foot-tall concrete shaft enclosure weighing approximately 120,000 pounds as part of the guard wall at the Monongahela River Locks and Dam 4 in Charleroi, Pennsylvania, Nov. 16, 2023.

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Tag: flood risk reduction
  • November

    Headwaters Highlights: Shenango River Lake team works year-round to improve federal lands

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District constructed Shenango River Lake to reduce flooding, save lives and protect property. However, in the years since, the dam, reservoir and federal lands have become a major hotspot for outdoor recreation.
  • September

    Headwaters Highlights: Stonewall Jackson team keeps it ‘in-house’ to benefit public, wildlife

    Most people who picture a lake think of a unified body of calm water. Yet, from the sky, Stonewall Jackson Lake resembles a series of lightning bolts striking in different directions than a traditional lake.
  • November

    Center Hill Dam featured in National Inventory of Dams rollout

    LANCASTER, Tenn. (Nov. 5, 2021) – The National Inventory of Dams is being updated at the end of the year and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plans to feature Center Hill Dam in a video as part of its rollout with the public.
  • February

    Commentary: Engineers building strong legacy as pioneers of progress

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Feb. 26, 2020) – We just celebrated National Engineers Week and recognized Nashville District’s engineers as the region’s problem solvers, committed to serving a higher purpose, and building on a strong legacy as pioneers of progress.
  • October

    Harlan Flood Control Project dedicated 20 years ago

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Oct. 25, 2019) – Officials dedicated the Harlan Flood Control Project 20 years ago today, culminating over a decade undertaking to provide the maximum level of flood protection to the towns of Harlan, Baxter, Loyall and Rio Vista in Harlan County, Kentucky.
  • December

    Director shows interest in Nashville’s Sevenmile Creek project

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Dec. 18, 2018) – The programs director for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Great Lakes and Ohio River Division visited Music City today to put eyes on the future site of a detention structure on Sevenmile Creek that will provide flood-risk-reduction benefits for the area.
  • October

    Community commemorates, dedicates Dale Hollow Dam on 75th Anniversary

    CELINA, Tenn. (Oct. 19, 2018) – As a heavy fog lifted over Dale Hollow Dam and Reservoir during the 75th Anniversary Commemoration this morning, members of the community and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officials brought into clear focus how communities, homes and farmlands were given up in the early 1940s to make way for the reservoir, and more than a thousand men worked day and night to construct the dam. A few even lost their lives supporting an expedited construction program.
  • June

    Region recognizes J. Percy Priest project on its 50th birthday

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (June 29, 2018) – Community leaders and citizens celebrated the 50th Anniversary of J. Percy Priest Dam and Reservoir today, acknowledging the project’s positive impact on the region since President Lyndon B. Johnson dedicated it as a perfect example of the new conservation 50 years ago.
  • August

    Barkley Dam brought hope to region 50 years ago

    GRAND RIVERS, Ky. (Aug. 20, 2016) – Barkley Dam, a symbol of progress in western Kentucky, turned 50 today with fanfare, remembrances and special tributes during a commemoration ceremony at the Badgett Playhouse Theater and reception at the community center.
  • May

    Corps invites public to hike rediscovered segment of Trail of Tears

    SMYRNA, Tenn. (May 13, 2015) – The forced removal of Cherokee Indians east of the Mississippi River in 1838 to Indian Territory in present-day Oklahoma is described by the Cherokee Nation today as the “trail where they cried.” A rediscovered segment of the Trail of Tears near the East Fork Recreation Area is providing new insight into what they experienced during the journey across Tennessee.
Chick Lock

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