Contractors working for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District install a 23-foot-tall concrete shaft enclosure weighing approximately 120,000 pounds as part of the guard wall at the Monongahela River Locks and Dam 4 in Charleroi, Pennsylvania, Nov. 16, 2023.

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Tag: USArmy
  • September

    USACE Real Estate executes recruiting mission on behalf of Army

    Recruiting is an essential task for the U.S. military to maintain its strength in numbers, and a recruiting office is where some start their military career. It can also be a prospective service member’s first impression of the military. 
  • August

    Louisville District aids in Eastern Kentucky response, recovery after historic floods

    Southeast Kentucky received up to eight inches of rain during the evening of July 28, 2022, that resulted in the most catastrophic flooding event in the region’s recorded history. As the people of eastern Kentucky begin to rebuild, they face more than the devastating toll of lost loved ones and belongings. There are tons of muck, mire, and debris to be dealt with. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District is playing a vital role in those recovery efforts, providing support to the Commonwealth, and simultaneously cleaning up two of its own lake projects that withstood the flood and prevented millions of dollars in additional downstream damage. 
  • Louisville District’s Brantley Thames awarded HQ Climate Champion Award

    Brantley Thames, Hydraulic Engineer in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District and member of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Climate Preparedness and Resilience Community of Practice and National Policy Advisor for Climate and Military Programs, was awarded the HQ USACE Climate Champion Award in July 2022. This award signifies a commitment to promoting climate resilience across all USACE Civil Works business lines.
  • May

    USACE Construction Division Chief promoted to Brigadier General in U.S. Army Reserve

    Kirk Dailey, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District construction division chief was promoted to brigadier general in the U.S. Army Reserve during a ceremony held at the Romano Mazzoli Federal Building in Louisville, Ky., April 22, 2022.
  • March

    Louisville VA Medical Center site sees more activity as work progresses

    Construction on the new Louisville VA Medical Center being built in Louisville, Kentucky, has only been ongoing for five months, but the site already looks quite different from how it appeared during last year’s Veterans’ Day groundbreaking ceremony. Members of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District’s VA Division and the contracting teams have been hard at work during the initial stages of this mega-project, said Melody Thompson, Louisville VA Medical Center project manager.
  • Spring showers bring out lake staff superpowers

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District manages 17 flood risk reduction lakes, which receive an average of 15 million visitors each year. While many visitors enjoy the campgrounds, playgrounds and other recreational activities the lakes provide, some may not realize the amount of work that goes on in preparation for the summer months.
  • December

    USACE military program director tours Louisville District projects

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Director of Military Programs Dr. Christine Altendorf conducted a two-day site visit of reserve and military construction projects at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio, Dec. 2-3, 2021. The first part of the visit began at the USACE Great Lakes and Ohio River Division headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio, to discuss the benefits of a centrally managed military construction program and how the Energy Resilience and Conservation Investment Program will affect future USACE projects.
Chick Lock

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