The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District, and its contractor, Dean Marine & Excavating, Inc., completed the $3.4 million, 600 feet of repair of the Rochester Harbor east pier, located in Rochester, New York, June 16, 2021
The section repaired is in the middle of previously repaired sections, and was close to the original construction, where the concrete cap was in poor condition and structurally degraded. Repair of the remaining approximately 400 feet of degraded reach of the east pier would be dependent upon receiving additional funding.
U.S. Senator Charles Schumer said, “The Port of Rochester is a vital economic and recreational asset that produces millions in annual economic impact and supports 140 jobs, over 1000 boat slips, dozens of charter boats, top-notch fishing, and much more. I was proud to fight to secure these federal funds because ensuring the Rochester Harbor navigation channel is repaired and maintained is vital to protect Rochester jobs and economic development.”
“We know this pier is a popular fishing and recreating area, and we appreciate the public’s understanding as we worked diligently to repair the worst sections of the pier,” said LTC Eli Adams, USACE Buffalo District Commander. “These repairs were necessary to ensure safety for ships and boats navigating into Rochester Harbor. The harbor’s safe operation also enables transportation of important commodities and supports $26.8 Million in business revenue, 142 jobs, and $7.4 Million in labor income.”
To see project photos, please visit the project’s Flickr album:
Release no. 21-015