BUFFALO, N.Y. -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Buffalo District has completed the Site Closeout Report for the Tonawanda Landfill Vicinity Property, Town of Tonawanda, New York. It is available in the Reports section of the project website at: http://www.lrb.usace.army.mil/Missions/HTRW/FUSRAP/Tonawanda-Landfill/. The report provides a consolidated record of all removal and remedial activities conducted at the Tonawanda Landfill Vicinity Property and documents compliance with all regulations and requirements. The site is a vicinity property of the Linde FUSRAP Site, also located in Tonawanda, New York.
Prepared under the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP), this report indicates the completion of response actions at the vicinity property in accordance with the 2008 record of decision for the Mudflats Operable Unit (OU) and the 2017 record of decision for the Landfill OU.
No remedial action was warranted for the Mudflats OU, and monitoring and five-year reviews are not required for this OU. The completed remedial action for the Landfill OU is protective of human health and the environment for the reasonable future land use of commercial/industrial, which is also protective of a recreational future land use. No operation and maintenance activities are required for the Landfill OU remedy to function.
Since contamination (radium, uranium, and thorium) above levels that would allow unlimited use and unrestricted exposure was left behind in soils deeper than five feet in the Landfill OU, reviews of the vicinity property Landfill OU will take place at least every five years. These reviews will be conducted to determine whether the remedy remains protective of human health and the environment. The initial statutory five-year review for the Tonawanda Landfill Vicinity Property Landfill OU will be conducted by USACE and is currently scheduled for completion in 2024. When the review is complete, records and responsibility for the vicinity property will be transferred to the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Legacy Management (DOE-LM) for long-term stewardship. The DOE-LM will be responsible for conducting five-year reviews and periodic site inspections for the 1,000-year performance period.
For further information on the Tonawanda Landfill Vicinity Property, please visit the project website, send an email to fusrap@usace.army.mil, or call (800) 833-6390 (Option 4).
Release no. 22-014