U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District, on behalf of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, announces its intent to conduct an informational open house to ask for public comments and gather information that will be used to prepare a draft Environmental Impact Statement related to the proposed Grand River Habitat Restoration and Invasive Species Control Project in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
The proposed project will provide a means to continue to block sea lamprey from moving upstream, as this invasive species is currently blocked by the existing 6th Street Dam in the Grand River; it must maintain or reduce the current risk of flooding upstream; and it must provide for fish passage into upstream areas. If implemented, the project is expected to adversely impact existing healthy mussel populations, which includes the federally-listed endangered snuffbox mussel as well as a number of state-listed mussel species.
The public forum will be held at the following location, date and time:
Who: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District, project management and environmental analysis teams
What: The general public is invited to an open house about the Grand River. All are welcome -- no registration needed.
When: Anytime Monday, April 8, 2019, from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Where: DeVos Place Convention Center, 303 Monroe Ave NW, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
Why: To discuss the proposed multipurpose restoration project in the Grand River, in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan, eventually contributing to a draft Environmental Impact Statement. The intent of the project is to restore, enhance, and maintain the rapids in the Grand River from upstream of Ann Street to Fulton Street, and may include habitat, recreation and invasive species control features.
How: Several project managers and environmental scientists will be available to provide information about the proposed project. Maps, informational graphics and hand-outs will be available. Also, two short, informal presentations are scheduled for 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Go to: http://www.lre.usace.army.mil for additional information.
For any questions please call Lynn Rose, public affairs director at 313-226-4680.