The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District, will host an informational outreach event entitled “Waterways, Wetlands, and You!” about the Corps’ Regulatory Program and Great Lakes high water levels.
This event, facilitated by the Corps’ Regulatory and Hydraulics & Hydrology staff, will focus on water levels, shoreline processes, and shore protection projects. The Corps team will provide an overview of the latest Great Lakes water level forecast, Corps’ Regulatory Program and give the public an opportunity to ask questions directly to the team members that develop water level forecasts, review permit applications and enforce permit laws and regulations.
This forum will also provide an opportunity to interact with Regulatory Project Managers to discuss working in regulated waterways, wetlands and along shorelines; when a permit is required from the Corps; and the information needed to apply for a permit.
Residents, property owners, contractors, consultants, advocacy groups or anyone interested in the current water levels and the Corps’ Regulatory Program are welcome to attend. The forum will be held at the following location, date, and time:
Clinton Township, Michigan
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
7:00 – 8:30 pm
Clinton-Macomb Public Library
40900 Romeo Plank Road
Clinton Township, Michigan 48038
For any questions please call Lynn Rose, public affairs director at 313-226-4680.