BUFFALO, N.Y. -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District is pleased to announce that it has awarded a $40 million contract to Enviro-Fix Solutions LLC for Niagara Falls Storage Site (NFSS) Remedial and Site Services.
The first task order was awarded on Aug. 4, 2023 for $11,984,341.90, which includes remediating contaminated media in accordance with the Record of Decision for the Balance of Plan (BOP) and Groundwater Operable Units (OU). This work is being carried out under the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP).
Selected Remedy:
The selected remedy in the Record of Decision for the Balance of Plant and Groundwater Operable Units (OUs) Niagara Falls Storage Site is the complete removal of contaminated media and off-site disposal at a properly permitted or licensed facility. Following completion of excavation and off-site disposal, the site would be remediated to levels suitable for industrial use (i.e., protective of construction, industrial, and maintenance workers, as well as adolescent and adult trespassers).
The major components of the selected remedy for the NFSS BOP and Groundwater OUs include:
- Removal and off-site disposal of radionuclides of concern (ROCs) ROC- and/or chemicals of concern (COC)-contaminated soil, road bedding, and Building 401 foundation/utilities.
- Removal and off-site disposal of impacted foundations and underlying soil, including but not limited to Buildings 430 and 431/432 and Building 433, as determined by the results of the Contract Line-Item Number-01 Mobilization and Preparatory Work investigation; and,
- Removal and off-site disposal of a chlorinated volatile organic compound (CVOC)-impacted soil and groundwater plume and placement of clay backfill into the excavation.
Next Steps/Anticipated Schedule:
- Fall 2023 – BOP work plan development and finalization.
- February 2024 – USACE anticipates hosting a public information session to describe BOP site remediation activities.
- Spring 2024 – BOP Mobilization.
- Fall 2024 – Anticipate remedial actions to be complete.
Site Services:
In the future, the USACE intends to utilize available contract capacity to support ongoing NFSS Interim Waste Containment Structure Disposal (IWCS) Remedial Design Activities. Activities may include environmental and geotechnical data collection and site infrastructure construction.
NFSS Project Information Website:
All documents (fact sheets, reports, video, etc.) related to the Niagara Falls Storage Site project can be found at: https://www.lrb.usace.army.mil/Missions/HTRW/FUSRAP/Niagara-Falls-Storage-Site/.
Administrative Record:
All documents used during the decision-making process for FUSRAP activities at the NFSS site are available at:
The Buffalo District delivers world class engineering solutions to the Great Lakes Region, the Army and the Nation in order to ensure national security, environmental sustainability, water resource management, and emergency assistance during peace and war.