The Louisville District End of Year Award Ceremony

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News Releases

USACE announces public meeting for Section 202 Johnson County Flood Risk Management Project update

Louisville District
Published June 28, 2022

Johnson County Fiscal Court is hosting, in coordination with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District, an informational in-person and virtual public meeting on Tuesday, July 12, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. (EDT) for the Section 202 City of Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky Flood Risk Management Project.


USACE has developed an Engineering Document Report (EDR) to supplement the approved Detailed Project Report (DPR) for the proposed flood risk management improvements for the City of Paintsville and Johnson County, Kentucky. The EDR includes design revisions to the authorized DPR Recommended Plan and provides an integrated Supplemental Environmental Analysis (SEA), which describes the potential environmental effects resulting from the proposed changes. The EDR with integrated SEA can be viewed by visiting


During the meeting, USACE will provide a project update and presentation on the proposed supplement to the DPR Recommended Plan as described in the EDR. USACE will also explain the potential impacts as documented in the SEA and facilitate public comments on the proposed action. Louisville District staff will also be available to answer any questions about the project following the presentation.


Public input is critical for this process. To participate virtually, log in to the WebEx meeting at and enter your name and email address. For the presentation’s audio portion, call 1-844-800-2712, access code: 2762 555 4726.


For those who wish to participate in-person, the public meeting will be held at the U.S. 23 Country Music Highway Museum, located at 100 Stave Branch Rd, Staffordsville, KY 41256.


The public comment period will begin prior to the meeting on June 29, 2022, and will remain open until July 28, 2022. Comments and questions may also be submitted via e-mail to


USACE will finalize its proposed action after reviewing all comments received during the public comment period. The proposed action may be modified based on new information and/or public comments.


To learn more about the project visit:


For additional information, contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District Public Affairs Office at (502) 315-6767.

Abby Korfhage

Release no. 22-015

Chick Lock

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