Youghiogheny River Lake hosts 75th Anniversary Celebration
Pennsylvania Game Commission officers Brooke Hargenrader (left) and PAFBC Deputy and Commission Don Anderson (right) prepared and tagged a black bear at Youghiogheny River Lake’s 75th celebration in Confluence, Pennsylvania, Aug. 19, 2023. The commission officers brought a sedated black bear to the celebration to demonstrate the data collection process for catching, tagging and relocating black bears caught within the community. Youghiogheny River Lake hosted a celebration commemorating the facility’s 75th anniversary. The celebration included speeches from Pittsburgh District Commander Nicholas Melin and Supervisory Natural Resource Manager Vince Klinkner, a time capsule and tree planting ceremony, dam tours, rock painting, and booths hosted by partner organizations who play a role in Youghiogheny River Lake’s operations. Although the dam was completed in 1943, it became fully operational in 1948. Since then, it has provided flood protection for the Youghiogheny River system and saved downstream communities more than $716 million in flood damages, alleviated waterway pollution, provided recreation opportunities, and improved navigation on the Monongahela and Ohio rivers. (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers photo by Andrew Byrne)