Pittsburgh emergency team simulates its first scenario-driven ex
Patricia Kitchen, a member of the Crisis Action Team for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District, responds to a scenario during a disaster-training exercise in Pittsburgh, March 7, 2024. The Pittsburgh District hosted a multi-day exercise to simulate intense rain in a short time, leading to floods in a nearby county. Throughout the scenario, the Crisis Action Team and the district staff responded to rapidly changing events. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers bases its disaster response on the event’s intensity level. At the lowest level, the Pittsburgh District can provide sandbags, flood barriers, and a sandbag machine. For some services, a state governor must declare a state of emergency before the corps can provide local support. During natural disasters requiring federal support, the corps can provide generators, remove debris, and protect damaged roofs post-disaster. (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District photo by Michel Sauret)

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Photo by: Michel Sauret |  VIRIN: 240307-A-TI382-1287.JPG