Visiting the Pittsburgh District
Col. Nicholas Melin, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District commander, leads group tour for Brig. Gen. Mark Quander, the Great Lakes and Ohio River Division commander, during Quander’s visit to the district at the Braddock Locks and Dam on the Monongahela River in Braddock, Pennsylvania, Nov. 8, 2023. Quander assumed command of the division June 30, 2023. The visit is part of a tour to visit all seven districts within the division to grow awareness and understanding of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ mission in the region. The Pittsburgh District’s area of responsibility covers 26,000 square miles, which includes 23 locks and dams on 328 miles of navigable waterways and 16 multi-purpose flood-control reservoirs. (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District photo by Michel Sauret)