What is FOIA? The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a law that gives you the right to access information from the federal government.
How do I make a FOIA Request? To get information under the
FOIA, typically you must make a “FOIA request.” This is a written request in
which you describe the information you want in as much detail as possible. A
FOIA request can be made for any agency record. You should be aware that the
FOIA does not require the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Great Lakes District to do
research for you, analyze data, answer written questions, or create records in
response to your request. Finally, you should know that FOIA requires that the
Great Lakes District release certain information automatically, without the need
for you to make a request. So, before you send in a FOIA request, it’s a good
idea to look at our website first to see what’s already available. The FOIA
allows fee charges based on the requester's category. There are three
categories: commercial (pay search, review, and reproduction fees); educational,
non-commercial scientific institution, and news media (pay reproduction fees;
first 100 pages provided at no cost); and others (pay search and reproduction
fees; first two hours search and 100 pages provided at no cost). Please refer
to "A Citizen’s Guide To Request Army Records Under The
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)" for more detailed
information about the FOIA process.
Use the FOIA Request Form below to electronically make a request or mail us your FOIA request to:
USACE Great Lakes and Ohio Rivers Division Counsel
550 Main St, Rm 10032
Cincinnati, OH 45202-3222