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The Huntington District is a thriving team of nationally-respected, values-driven, professionals collaboratively pioneering solutions to our Nation’s toughest challenges, encompasses 45,000 square miles in parts of five states, including West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia and North Carolina.  It is responsible for 311 navigable miles along the Ohio River and 98 navigable miles on the Kanawha River and includes the Nation’s second largest Inland Waterway port, the Port of Huntington. 

Our program includes the operation and maintenance of nine locks and dams on the Ohio and Kanawha Rivers, 35 flood damage reduction projects preventing $21.6 billion in damages and dredging on the Ohio, Big Sandy and Kanawha Rivers.  In addition, riverfront improvements, flood risk management initiatives, environmental mitigation, and infrastructure activities make up the District’s robust Civil Works program.

History of the Huntington District

Over the years, hundreds of Huntington District employees have stepped away from their homes and regular duties in support of over 1,500 emergency development missions around the world. During federally declared disasters, we work with FEMA and other federal agencies to assist in response and recovery efforts of state and local governments. The Corps provides professional engineering expertise and materials to support public health and safety.

Our disaster missions include flood response and recovery, temporary housing, critical public facilities, blue roof, debris cleanup, and emergency power generation. Our temporary housing team is recognized as one of the best in the Corps of Engineers

Operations Division is the steward of 223,802 acres of federal land, 98,413 water acres and 813 shoreline miles. As stewards of this land, we must follow all required laws and regulations.

We manage, conserve and protect natural and cultural resources with ecosystem management principles, while providing quality public outdoor recreation experiences to serve the needs of present and future generations. This includes management of species of concern, cultural sites and environmentally sensitive areas supporting unique ecosystems.

The mission of the Corps’ Regulatory Program is to protect the nation’s aquatic resources while permitting reasonable development through a fair, flexible, and balanced decision-making process. The Regulatory Division regulates more than 2,000 miles of navigable waters under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, as well as countless miles of smaller non-navigable streams and acres of wetlands across West Virginia and Ohio under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act

Reducing flood damage risks to citizens within the Huntington District’s 45,000 square miles is one of our primary objectives. We lead national efforts for flood risk reduction as the Dam Safety Modification Mandatory Center of Expertise (DSMMCX) and the Regional Dam Safety Production Center (DSPC). Operations Division operates and maintains 35 dams which have prevented a cumulative total of more than $15.6 billion in flood damages.

The DSMMCX provides oversight, technical advice, review and production capability for all aspects of dam safety modification projects throughout the Corps of Engineers. The Great Lakes and Ohio River Division’s Dam Safety Production Center is responsible for all regional Dam Safety Modification Reports, complex nonroutine dam safety products, and provides lead engineers for dam safety modification projects.

Additionally, the Huntington District operates and maintains 12 levee systems and inspects and provides technical assistance for 30 levee segments that are operated and maintained by local sponsors. Life safety is the paramount objective for the USACE Levee Safety Program. Accurate and timely information about associated levee risks enables those affected to make informed decisions about their safety and take appropriate action.

Click here for a FOIA Request Form

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), enacted in 1966 and codified at 5 U.S.C. Section 552, generally provides that any person has a right, enforceable in court, to obtain access to Federal agency records, except to the extent that such records (or portions of them) are protected from disclosure by one of the nine exemptions. The purpose of this information is to provide guidance on how to submit a FOIA request for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington District, records. However, please note that the information contained herein is not intended to be definitive or exhaustive.

E-mail Address:
Facsimile: (304) 399-5154
Postal Mail:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington District
Attention: CELRH-OC (FOIA)
502 Eighth Street
Huntington, WV 25701

If you have any questions, please contact the Huntington District FOIA Officer by e-mail at or by telephone at (304) 399-5589 or 304-399-5889.

Our Mission
The Huntington District protects the nation’s aquatic resources while enhancing the region’s economy…by pioneering solutions with regional and national partners (and volunteers)…to ensure water navigation, reduce flood risk, encourage recreation, preserve and restore streams and ecosystems, and prepare for and respond to disasters.

Our Vision
Huntington District is a thriving team of nationally-respected, values-driven professionals collaboratively pioneering solutions to our Nation’s toughest challenges.

News Stories

Yatesville Lake
Yatesville Lake was authorized by Section 204 of Flood Control Act of 1965. Primary project purposes are flood damage reduction, low flow augmentation, water quality and recreation. The dam was...
Paintsville Lake
Paintsville Lake has a total of 1,139 surface acres. The US Army Corps of Engineers owns a total of 13,156 acres of land surrounding the lake with 57 miles of shoreline. The lake is approximately 18...
Grayson Lake
Grayson Lake was authorized by Section 203 of Flood Act of 1960. Primary project purposes are flood risk management, water quality, water supply and recreation. Dam was completed in January 1968 and...
Fishtrap Lake
Fishtrap Lake is contained by the highest dam in Eastern Kentucky. Primary project purposes are flood risk reduction, fish and wildlife enhancement, water quality and recreation. Dam was completed in...
Wills Creek Lake
Wills Creek Lake serves as the Project Office for the projects located within the Lower Tuscarawas section of the Muskingum Area.  Wills Creek Lake was authorized by Section 4 of the Flood Control Act...
Tom Jenkins Dam
Tom Jenkins Dam  was completed in February 1950 and serves a drainage area of 32.8 square miles. The lake is impounded by a rolled earth dam, 84 ft. tall and 560 ft. long, with an uncontrolled saddle...
Tappan Lake
Tappan Lake is within the Lower Tuscarawas section of the Muskingum Area. It was authorized by Section 4 of the Flood Control Act (FCA) of 1938, as amended by Section 4 of the FCA of 1939. Primary...
Senecaville Lake
Senecaville Lake is within the Lower Tuscarawas section of the Muskingum Area. It was authorized by Section 4 of the Flood Control Act (FCA) of 1938, as amended by Section 4 of the FCA of 1939...
North Fork of Pound River Lake
North Fork of Pound River Lake  was authorized by Section 4 of Flood Control Act of 1938. Primary project purposes are flood risk reduction, water supply, fish and wildlife enhancement, and...
John W. Flannagan Dam & Reservoir
Authorized by Congress in the Flood control Act of 1938, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1961, John W. Flannagan Dam and Reservoir is a part of the Big Sandy flood protection...
Sutton Lake
Sutton Lake was authorized by Section 4 of Flood Control Act of 1938. Primary project purposes are flood damage reduction, low flow augmentation and recreation. The dam was completed in June 1960 and...
Summersville Lake
Summersville Dam was authorized by Section 4 of Flood Control Act of 1938. The primary project purposes are flood risk management, fish and wildlife enhancement, water quality, recreation, and low...
R.D. Bailey Lake
R.D. Bailey Lake was authorized by Section 203 of Flood Control Act of 1962. The primary project purposes are flood risk management, water quality and recreation. The dam was completed in 1980 and...
East Lynn Lake
East Lynn Lake is located on the East Fork of Twelvepole Creek, 10 miles south of Wayne, WV, on State Route 37. East Lynn Lake was constructed primarily for flood control, water quality, fish...

The Huntington District has nine navigation locks and dams on the Ohio River and Kanawha Rivers which contribute to efficient year-round river transportation, regionally and across the nation. We are responsible for 311 navigable commercial miles along the Ohio River. This includes the Port of Huntington, one of the nation’s largest ports.

The Planning Center of Expertise for Inland Navigation & Risk-Informed Economics Division (PCXIN-RED) is a national center of expertise located in Huntington. Through expertise, science and engineering technology, and economic analysis, the center supports the accomplishment of planning studies for inland navigation, deep draft navigation, ecosystem restoration, coastal storm risk management, water management and reallocation, flood risk management, and small boat harbors regionally and across the Nation.

The Regional Rivers Repair Fleet (R3F provides the Great Lakes and Ohio River Division capability to execute major maintenance and repair efforts along 2,225 miles of the Ohio River System, 56 navigation locks and dams, four hydroelectric power plants, and 74 flood risk management dams.

Please follow this link to view
Navigation Notices

Register to receive E-mails for Huntington District Navigation Notices 

Hydrographic Surveys
Hydrographic surveys can be found on the USACE eHydro website.  This interactive Webmap allows users to download both recent and historical hydrographic survey data for all navigable, inland and coastal waterways. 

Purchase Maps
The Allegheny River, Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River, Kanawha River, Monongahela River and Ohio River Navigation Charts are available by Internet from the U.S. Government Online Bookstore, by calling the Government Printing Office toll-free at (866) 512-1800 or by mail order with the Government Printing Office order form. Payment can be made by check, money order, or major credit card.

Winfield Locks and Dam
DamNon-navigable, gated dam, top length 676'-9 . Six roller crest gates and one tainter gate, spanning 100'-3 1/2" between piers. Damming height 28'. EasementsOf an estimated Easement Acreage of 1,243...
Marmet Locks and Dam
The locks were opened in 1933 and the dam was completed in 1934.A project to repair and expand the Marmet Locks and Dam was completed in 2008. Marmet Locks and Dam are a key component of the...
London Locks and Dam
DamNon-navigable, gated dam, top length 557'-5-1/2 . Five roller gates, spanning 100'-3'1/2' between piers. Damming height, 26'. EasementsOf an estimated 203 acres in the project, approximately 8...
Willow Island Locks and Dam
AuthorityRiver and Harbor Act of 3 March 1909, Sixtieth Congress, 2nd Session.CostEstimated construction $76,520,800.DamNon-navigable, high-lift, gated dam, top length 1,128' including 111-foot fixed...
Robert C. Byrd Locks and Dam
Non-navigable, high-lift, gated dam, top length of gated section 1,132'. Eight roller gates, clear span 125'-6 between 16-foot piers, damming height of 29'- 6' above sills...
Racine Locks and Dam
Two parallel locks, main lock 1200' by 110', auxiliary lock 600' by 110', miter service gates, vertical-lift emergency gates.Non-navigable, high-lift, gated dam, top length of 1,173'. Eight tainter...
Greenup Locks and Dam
The locks were open to navigation in 1962.The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers replaced a set of aging gates at the Greenup Locks and Dam in 2012 at a cost of approximately $12 million...
Captain Anthony Meldahl Locks and Dam
Meldahl Locks and Dam are located at mile 436 of the Ohio River in Felicity.Estimated construction $74,082,900...
Belleville Locks and Dam
The Huntington District is home to the Belleville Locks and Dam located on the Ohio River at mile 204. Belleville Locks sit 203.9 miles below Pittsburgh, PA, and 0.5 miles below Belleville, WV.The two...
Muskingum River Basin Master Plan
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Huntington District is beginning the public involvement phase of the Muskingum River Basin Master Plan revision. This stage is to inform the public of the...
Paint Creek Lake & Deer Creek Lake Regional Master Plan
The current Master Plan at Paint Creek Lake was published in June 1985, and in June 1984 for Deer Creek Lake. The master plans do not comply with USACE guidance regarding master plans are in need of...
Paintsville Lake Regional Master Plan
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Huntington District is beginning the 30 day review and comment period of the Paintsville Lake project Regional Master Plan revision. This stage is to receive...
John W. Flannagan Lake & North Fork of Pound River Lake Regional Master Plan
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Huntington District is providing an online public participation presentation to inform and receive public input to begin the process of revising the master...
Lower Mud River
The City of Milton, West Virginia, has a history of flooding dating back to the early 1900s. Several large record flood events have caused public safety issues and economic damage over the years. The...
Portsmouth Local Protection Project
The Portsmouth segment of the Portsmouth/New Boston Local Protection Project is located in Scioto County, Ohio, on the right descending bank of the Ohio River at the mouth of the Scioto River, near...
Buchanan County Section 202 Project
The primary components of the project include school relocations; an Emergency Evacuation Plan (EEP); and a voluntary floodproofing and floodplain evacuation program. The Buchanan County Career and...
Jenkins House
The Robert C. Byrd Dam Replacement Project (RC Byrd Project) was authorized under Section 301(a) of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 1986 with funds appropriated by the Supplemental...
Dickenson County Non-structural Flood Damage Reduction Project (Section 202)
The Dickenson County Non-structural Flood Damage Reduction Project consists of voluntary floodproofing, relocations, floodplain acquisitions and demolition of structures, authorized under the Section...

The Huntington District Regulatory program reviews proposed projects that may impact waters of the United States in portions of Ohio and West Virginia, with field offices in Dover, OH, Cincinnati, OH, and Columbus, OH.  In addition, projects on the Big Sandy River downstream of rive river mile 9 (WV and KY) and the Ohio River upstream of river mile 438 (WV, OH, and KY) also fall within the Huntington District Regulatory boundaries

The Huntington District Regulatory office is organized into three Branches: the Energy Resource Branch (projects in West Virginia and Ohio involving coal mining, natural gas extraction and transport, hydropower, wind power projects, power-generating facilities, etc.), the North Branch (non-energy projects in Ohio), the South/Transportation Branch (non-energy projects in West Virginia as well as all transportation projects for the entire States of Ohio and West Virginia). 

USACE launches new Regulatory Request System
Regulatory Request System (RRS)

Ohio Public Notice, LRH-2020-509-TUS
 A Section 404 pre-construction notification (PCN) was submitted on June 30, 2020. The Corps issued a Nationwide Permit (NWP) 39 verification on August 5, 2020, for the discharge of dredged and/or...
Opportunity to express views on proposed adverse effects to historic properties associated with the Coughlin’s Crossing Commercial Development Project
The Corps is soliciting comments from the public, federal, state and local agencies and officials, American Indian Tribes and other interested parties to receive input on potential mitigation...
West Virginia Public Notice, LRH-2022-709-GUY
The applicant has requested a DA authorization to permanently discharge approximately 469.97 cubic yards of dredged and/or fill material into approximately 6,006 linear feet (0.54 acre) of streams and...
Ohio Public Notice, LRH-2024-497-OHR
The applicant has requested a Department of the Army (DA) permit authorization for the proposed discharge of dredged and/or fill material into waters of the United States in association with the...
West Virginia Public Notice, LRH-2012-00147

Huntington District: Energy Resources (West VIrginia and Ohio)

Huntington District: Regulatory/Permits (Ohio)

Huntington District: South/Transportation Branch (West Virginia and Ohio)

Contact Us

Section 408 Program Coordinator
(614) 692-4672
Small Business Office
Military Projects & Programs
Civil Works Projects & Programs
Water Conditions or Whitewater
Waterborne Commerce
Navigation or Navigation Charts
Locks and Dams
Freedom of Information Act
Hazardous Waste, Military Munitions
Emergency Response Mission
Flood Plain Inquiries
Erosion (from water tributaries)
Contracting (business with us)
Regulatory/Permits - Energy Resources (WV and OH)
Regulatory/Permits (Ohio)
Regulatory/Permits - South/Transportation Branch (WV and OH)
Recreation Opportunities
Public Affairs

502 Eighth Street
Huntington, West Virginia 25701

News Releases

Lower Mud River Flood Risk Management Project Office Hours Announced
The Huntington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) will conduct a public outreach opportunity, also known as open office hours, regarding the Lower Mud River, Milton, West Virginia Flood...
Army Corps of Engineers waives day use fees at recreation areas in observance of Army Corps of Engineers Birthday and Juneteenth Celebration
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) announced today that it will waive day use fees at its more than 2,850 USACE-operated recreation areas nationwide in observance of the USACE birthday, June 16,...
Lower Mud River Flood Risk Management Project Public Meeting Announced
The Huntington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) will conduct a workshop and public meeting, Tuesday, April 9, 2024, 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm at the Milton Middle School, 1 Panther Trail,...

Huntington District Leadership

Jayson Putnam
Commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington District, West Virginia...
Brian Gulley
Deputy Commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington District, West Virginia...